Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


your feelings come and go.  No one says that we have to stay mad.  No one says that we have to say sad.  No one says that we have to constantly worry.  And yet, sometimes these places are where we live.  It is not a good place to be.  I have, for some time, given myself a few minutes a day to get mad or feel upset about something.  If I can wait until the allotted time, I usually forget what I was upset about.  I have a little more problem with worrying about stuff.  I am working on a meditation where I imagine it is a partly sunny day, the sky is blue with fluffy clouds and a little breeze.  If I can put my worry on one of those clouds, and watch it float away, that seems to help.  What I am saying is that we can, with some practice, let the feelings come and go.  It is unhealthy to do otherwise, and we make things worse for ourselves if we don't.  So try my meditation, it may help you, too.

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