Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Open the door for another

When I was out and about the other day, a nice gentleman held the door for me.  I, in turn, held it open for a woman coming up behind me.  Good begets good!!  It always makes me feel good when I find that "chivalry is not dead!"  Some things take little effort and cause a ripple effect of kindness.  While we're at it, lets not forget the other meaning here.  We can open the door for another in many ways from showing kindness, to.....  Well, you get the picture.  Make a ripple, get outside yourself, see what happens.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Let's have...

Thanksgiving every day!  No, not all the fattening food, just the gratitude.  It seems weird to me that this holiday is celebrated only once a year.  Granted, it is time off work to spend with people who we might seldom see.  It makes for a long weekend, but when should we not be grateful for all we have?  I say, let every day be "Thanksgiving."  Lets share our bounty with others all the time.  People are always in need of food, shelter, and warmth,  not just in the winter! Make a ripple, start a new tradition, see what happens.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Welcome Kazakhstan!

We are so glad to see you!  Please come back and see us!

There is a saying...

anticipate the best, prepare for the worst.  I sure like the first 1/2 of this saying.  It seems as if I anticipate the best, many times, that is what occurs.  But there is a fine balance in the second 1/2 of this saying.  A lot of us prepare for the worst more than anticipating the best and we always get what we think about most.  I have done this many times also.  So today, lets take the yin with the yang, with the emphasis on what will make our lives better.  Make a ripple,  seek balance, see what happens.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Lessons from the Turkey

It has been an interesting late summer and fall.  We have had an inordinate number of wild turkeys coming up over the bluff and spending time in our neighborhood.  They come in groups of 12 to probably over 30.  I love the way they fill the yards and sidewalks, as if they own the place.  They are far from graceful, but so beautiful and the sounds they make are endearing to me.  They flow out into the street and stop traffic. They know they belong. In Native American tradition, Turkey means "give away."  They have celebration over a feast and then people bring things to share.  I was privileged to attend one of these day long feasts many years ago and it has stuck with me.  I was allowed to help prepare food and other necessities, but also to watch a woman tell me a story while making me a beautiful pouch.  It was heart-filling. I still have the pouch and the memories from that day and carry them with me every year. Make a ripple, and be grateful for all the things that are not things, see what happens. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

If you have no opinion...

the truth will show itself to you. It is amazing how having an opinion clouds our vision of things.  This is something most of us seldom consider, but it is like putting blinders on a horse.  So, just for today, I am going to try and squelch my opinions and just look at things as they are.  I might find a truth that has been hiding.  Make a ripple, try with me, see what happens. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Live your life...

don't just sleep through it!  It is easy just to drift through life.  We get into a routine and nothing changes but the day.  Days turn into weeks, and weeks into years, and where have we gotten?  Auto pilot is something we all go into from time to time.  I used to do that when I drove to certain places, until I realized I WAS DRIVING!  We certainly miss many of the up's and down's when we use AP, but we miss growth possibilities, too.  Make a ripple, be in it, see what happens.

Monday, November 24, 2014

What have you done for yourself lately?

Recently, an acquaintance of mine had a stroke.  It was a real shock and made me wonder, how does this happen?  Some people are predisposed to these things, but, many of us are not.  This is the time of hibernation, and here come 3 big holidays.  It is easy to lose sight of ourselves.  We are caught in this spin cycle of life and we just keep going and going.  It feels as if we need to slow it down a bit and take at least a small piece of time for ourselves each day to let down and relax.  It is like putting the oxygen mask on ourselves first.  If we don't, then who knows what will happen to our loved ones.  Make a ripple, make time for you, see what happens.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Let small things amuse you

In the grand scheme of things, it is often good to go small.  It is a lot easier, once you learn to do this and exponentially more rewarding.  Many of the things that we can observe, or be a part of, are things we generally skip over.  For instance, when was the last time you celebrated just waking up in the morning?!  For some of us, this is a big deal, but, think about it.  It is sort of a cool thing.  How about going out in a storm, and it suddenly stops!  Catboy tells me he celebrates finding a cookie on the rug.  I told him I celebrate watching him get on his back and stretch because he looks sooo cute.  My point here is that there are a lot of things that can allow us feel good and find joy. Make a ripple, go small, see what happens. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

This is the earth school

and we are all students in it.  There is a lot of debate about how education should be funded.. I agree.  People need to and have the right to be educated.  But there is one way to get some education which costs us nothing but awareness.  I have always considered this our earth school.  There are many lessons in front of us and continuously waiting to be discovered if we are aware and wanting them.  What will your lesson be today?  Make a ripple, be the student, see what happens.

Friday, November 21, 2014

You are many things.

Can you describe yourself?  Do you know who you are?  We are so many things.  The cool part is what and who we are can be expanded and changed. Sometimes we look in the mirror and see the same thing we have always seen.  But if we look a little deeper, there are things lurking which we have been ignored or not noticed. Every year, I learn something new about myself.  I try and dump the things that are not working, and find wonderful things that will make my life better.  Make a ripple, join me, see what happens. 

Welcome Philippines!

We are so glad you could join us!  Please come back!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

You can't un ring the bell

It's hard not to get angry, at least once in a while.  It happens so infrequently with me these days because I try to stay in the moment, but there surely have been times when I just let it fly.  I learned in my communication class, and just living, that once I have said that awful thing to someone, it might as well be carved in stone.  While people are forgiving, it seems to stick in their brain, anyway.  I have experienced this, and I am sure we all have. I guess this is as good a reason as any to up the thoughts of gratitude, and count to 10 when the situation suggests it. Make a ripple, take a breath, see what happens. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Welcome New Zealand!

You are our 29th country!  We welcome you and invite you to return!

There is always...

a plan "B" or "C", or...  Life can be challenging at times.  We often revert to the same reaction or way of dealing with it.  Why not use creativity more in our lives?!  There are times when money falls a little short, or situations loom large and the only way to deal with them is to take a breath and really look at them in a different way.  It takes stepping away from yourself.  It could be like looking at a picture upside down.  Great artists and thinkers have been doing this for thousands of years.  Maybe we need to take a page from their books.  Meanwhile, stay warm, for those of us in the winter months, relish warm weather if that is what you have.  Make a ripple, "use a different eye", see what happens.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


As we become more entrenched in winter weather, or darkness, wherever you are, it is good to be aware there are these lights that mimic sunlight.  They are called full spectrum lights.  The big box stores carry them in the form of bulbs and also in towers which have two settings.  I have always had one or more of them in my house.  They really work!  So, if you are in an area where it is a short day, or just rainy and dark, stop by one of these stores and purchase a full spectrum light.  Then you can have your own personal piece of sunshine in your house at all times.  Make a ripple, tell a friend, see what happens.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The super "S's"

In my mind, there are 3 S's that take care of us in life.  They are sleep, sunshine and sustenance.  We all know, or should know, how important sleep is.  Many people take many dollars of medication just to get this elusive thing.  If you are one of those people who can sleep well, I am happy for you and just a little jealous.  We all know how much the sun affects us.  I never see anyone feeling grumpy because it is a sunny day. In these times of the chilly weather, it especially picks up our spirits.  And now for the sustenance, because it is a biggie.  Many people would think I am just speaking of food.  This would be wrong.  I am speaking of all the things which nourish us body and soul.  Make a ripple, put on the cape.) see what happens!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Optimism vs hope

I heard a discussion yesterday, they were talking about optimism.  It made me think about what a great thing optimism is.  It is something that costs nothing, but will get results because of the energy it creates.  Then, I started thinking about hope.  While it is a worthy feeling, to me, it just seems that, a feeling.  I think that we can hope and wish til the cows come home, but if we continue to be optimistic about what ever is important and maybe add some engagement to it, everything will be O K.  So, from now on, I am going to look at things optimistically, the glass 1/2 full.  I would love it if you would come along on this journey with me.  Make a ripple, accept the invitation, see what happens.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Catboy on winter

Just yesterday, Catboy informed me it is officially winter.  I told him to double check the calendar, but he reminded me all he could do was look at the pictures.  So he launched into reasons it was, indeed, winter.  He reminded me that he sits in front of me and stares and yawns until I turn up the heat.  It is true, I thought, he won't move until I do it!  He also asked me why all these little rugs are showing up in front of the door and especially in front of his heat vent.  He did thank me for that, and he languishes on that little rug a lot lately.  The other thing he reminded me of is that even though he asks me to open the kitchen window, he only sits there for about 5 minutes.  O K, it's winter.  He asks me to remind you think about your pets in this cold season.  He says that fur does not always keep them as warm as we think, and their water freezes up quickly.  He wishes you a good season and asks that you bundle up and stay warm and healthy too, so you can continue to take care of your beloved pets.  Make a ripple, think of them, see what happens.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Check the label

Life, to me, is all about lessons.  For instance, it is very important to check all the labels on everything, especially food.  It is amazing how much information, (Yech) we can get, and it helps us make informed decisions.  I am so good at checking labels.  What I am not as good at is labeling things.  I am not talking about putting someone's name on their stuff for camp. It's something I try not to do, but seem to struggle with.  This kind of labeling refers to people's affiliations in politics.  I see someone of a different party than mine, and ass u me they are one thing when, they may not be.  Yesterday, I was watching a show with a woman who is I thought I knew about and she turns out to be so much more.  I was so happily surprised and ashamed at the same time.  Make a ripple, open your mind, see what happens.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

If you need someone...

let them know.  We live in a society which stresses independence.  Not all countries believe in this or teach this.  I am frankly a little jealous of these people who are taught to rely on each other, where family means everything.  But I am learning that I love to be needed.  It makes me feel like more of a human being.  It lets me know that I have gifts to share with others that make a difference in their lives.  I also have to learn to let others know I need them, too.  That seems to be the hard one.  We are so ingrained with feeling that we should be able to handle everything on our own.  WRONG!  So the next time you need someone, tell them!  You will be giving them an irreplaceable gift.  Make a ripple, think about it, see what happens.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

"What do you 'spect, Lucy?"

I don't know how many of you used to watch "I love Lucy."  It is an old and very funny, simple show from way back.  There are, however re-runs of it on now.  Lucy was always in trouble for something, which made her endearing to me.  She hardly thought things through, so she ended up in quite a few messes.  I decided to be the anti-Lucy the other day.  I had all this stuff to do and I decided to not pre-think anything for once.  I had several pleasant surprises because I did not invite chaos with my thoughts.  It worked out so well, I have decided to do that more often.  Make a ripple, don't over think it, see what happens.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Today is more than

a day off work.  It is a celebration and remembrance of those who have fought and served in the Military.  These people have put their time and lives on the line so that we could live in a free country, and so that others in the world could find peace from oppression.  It doesn't matter what form their service has taken, just that they were and are willing to do it.  So I say, honor them! Thank them!  Some holidays are well spent being celebrated more than one day a year.  Let's do that!  And in the meantime, let's make sure they get what they need in a timely manner when they return from some horrible situations.  Make a ripple, honor them, see what happens.

Monday, November 10, 2014

If you have a warm house

and enough food to eat, it is time to think of other's for Thanksgiving, and beyond.  Many stores are having turkey drives, and bags of groceries we can purchase to allow another family to have a wonderful hot meat for the holiday. One way to get a lot of bang for the buck is to contribute dollars to food banks as they can usually get about 5 pounds of food for each dollar we contribute, because people are hungry much of the time.  Our utility bills allow for a thing called "project share."  With as little as 2 dollars, and up, we can help someone stay warm on the very cold days coming.  Sometimes so little to us means so much to someone else.  Make a ripple, for them, see what happens.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ask if someone wants your opinion...

otherwise, just be a good listener. We sure aren't taught to do this, and many times, we just need someone to talk to without their opinion.  This is a hard thing to do, but I always ask if someone wants my opinion.  It was not always so, but I started to think about how good it feels to just talk.  Many times, we can come to a conclusion, just by listening to ourselves. So the next time someone wants to talk, stop and just listen.  It will be good for both of you!  Make a ripple, give them the time, see what happens. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The heart of the team

My partner in crime and I were out for our Friday nite, anything can happen, yesterday.  We decided at the last minute to go to have dinner where there is a big screen T. V. as big as the side of my house.  She had had a rather taxing week and her energy was like the dark little cloud we find ourselves under from time to time.  As we looked up, though, we saw our favorite basketball player who now plays for the NBA.  I don't like professional sports, as a rule, but this certain player was the heart of the college team we root for each year and he was good enough to be chosen to play professionally.  What we admired about this man is that he enjoyed what he did, and was a team player, while being an inspiration all at once.  He has long hair which is fun to watch as he makes his way up and down the court, but the very best thing is that he always has a smile on his face and you can tell he loves what he does.  Who is the heart of your team?  Make a ripple, find out, see what happens.

Friday, November 7, 2014

It's that time, again!

It is a beautiful sunny day!  We have actually had 2 of those this week!  But the days are getting shorter and the time of hibernation is coming.  I am going to fight it a little this year and get out on any nice day and suck up all the fresh air I can.  It is so good for us to get as much of that as we can.  The time coming is also important.  Going inside for a while is a good thing.  Re-connecting with our essence helps us prepare for our re-birth in the spring.  Make a ripple, breathe, see what happens.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Love begets Love!

It is funny how one emotion will attract another of it's kind.  When I am feeling the love, not much else comes in but more love and joy!  On the off occasions I feel anger, it feels as if I get slammed with everything I have ever been angry about.  Weird. The thing I do when this infrequent thing happens is go through it quickly.  I didn't used to be able to do this, but I realize now that anger is so destructive. So, today and continuing it will all be about love, and joy and expectation for all the goodness there is for myself and all of us.  Make a ripple, feel the love, see what happens.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Now what?!

As the dust settles, we need to have more resolve than ever.  We need to realize what we are worth and what we deserve.  We are still the 99%! It doesn't matter where we live.  Make a ripple, wake up and stand up, see what happens.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Vote today!

Vote today with your brain and your heart! Make a ripple for us all!  See what happens.

Jumping off a cliff

Today is voting day in the U. S.  It is the mid term elections.  Many people just sit at home on their butts and just let it happen.  THIS IS NOT THE YEAR TO BE APATHETIC OR TO PISSED OFF TO VOTE!  This is the year that may indeed be the tipping point between us all going to hell in a hand basket or saving our sorry #%%&*.  Did you know that the large majority of the Republicans took an oath and signed a pledge to do NOTHING while President Obama was in office?!  They signed this pledge right after he was elected.  Guess what they have done?  NOTHING!  This is called OBSTRUCTION.  Do you honestly think that if we give them the House of Representatives they will do anything else except take away more things from us?  Do you realize that one of the first things they want to do is to take away medical insurance from millions of people who just got it just because Obama signed it into law? What kind of person does that? PLEASE!  I know some things haven't gotten done.  They fight him at every level.  We don't even have a Surgeon General to oversee our critical health situations because of them. OPEN YOUR EYES!  PUT PEOPLE IN OFFICE WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU AND OUR ENVIRONMENT! not ignore you just because they have theirs.  Make a ripple, vote for the good of all, see what happens.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Good service should be rewarded!

On Sunday, my dear friend and I had a delicious lunch at the "Dockside" restaurant.  It is a beautiful restaurant on the Coeur d Alene lake.  The view and food were wonderful, but I have to extend my gratitude to our waiter David Marshall.  He made our afternoon!  I hope his employer realizes what a valuable employee David is!  People may not know, but many waiters and servers are paid below the minimum wage.  They rely on their tips to make up the difference.  Many are trying to live on these wages.  So the next time you go out for a meal, no matter where it is, please respect your waiter for the good work they do, in the form of a good tip.  Make a ripple, support this profession! see what happens.

Welcome Thailand!

We are so glad to see you.  Welcome to our family!  We are looking forward to seeing you again!

Being happy...

is the best way to measure your self as a success in life.  What makes you happy?  It certainly can come from a lot of things, but no one else can make you happy!  I hear this all the time.  "I will make you happy."  This cannot happen as happiness is generated from within.  Happiness comes from being content with ourselves because we are doing and being the best we expect ourselves to be and considering other people to be as important as we are.  Being happy is not easy, we are so distracted by stuff.  But, look around, many people with many things are not happy.  Finding happiness is looking within with love and patience and acting from that place.  Make a ripple, think about it, see what happens.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Celebrate today!

It is a beautiful sunny day.  There is no wind, and the sky is that medium blue you see in the fall.  There are no clouds.  I awoke to hear my neighbor raking between the houses.  They are all out in their yard, raking away.  Not me!  I say, "road trip!"  I am going to take my wonderful friend and go to the next state to have a yummy lunch on the lake.  The leaves and pine needles will still be here when we get back, but it is supposed to be the only sunny day in a week!  We are going to fill our pineal glands and feel the joy.  Maybe, after the great lunch settles, we might rake a while, but we will probably take a nap instead! Make a ripple for yourself today, see what happens!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

It's about everything

I love doing this blog!  I write the minute I get up, most days.  I don't seem to run out of things to say but very occasionally, and even then, something comes up.  What is hard for me is to explain to people what it is about.  It seems like whatever I say sounds sort of simplistic.  So I have come up with a description.  I would like to believe this blog is about EVERY THING. I am grateful every day to have thoughts about so many things, and even more grateful to have  been able to reach out to so many people.  It is my fondest desire that it is indeed creating a ripple of kindness, thoughtfulness, and attention to ourselves and others to make the world a better place, one day and one person at a time.  Thank you so much for making a ripple!  Namaste.