Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Turkey's in the hood part 2

Because of all the road construction around here, I decided to take an "alternate route" to my store yesterday.  Actually, I can't complain much because the neighborhoods are so beautiful.  As I was slowly driving along, I spotted a gaggle of wild turkeys leisurely walking down a sidewalk next to me.  There were enough of them to fill the whole length of the sidewalk.  What I noticed was that some of them would lay down on the grass, some would group up and visit and other's wandered into yards.  They were happy and content and knew they were just part of everything.  It warmed my heart to see this.  Then I started thinking about the fact that I wish we all could be so comfortable in our world.  No matter where you come from, you have to know that we are all pieces of the same cosmic dust. I wish we could all know that we are a part of one big universe and act like it!  We could be like the turkeys, even with their little brains, and know we all fit in everywhere, with everyone.  Make a ripple, think it over, see what happens. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

New season, new reason

Where I live, we are on the edge of fall.  It is one of my favorite seasons, both in look and in feeling. I always equate the changing of the seasons with what I need to do mentally.  In the fall, I become more serious about getting ready to hibernate, cleaning up remnants of summer, and digging in to projects that enrich me and fill me up.  This season, and spring are the times I do the most, and I look forward to them!  I have a stack of projects awaiting my attention, some outside, some inside, and am about to start the sorting process.  It is always good to assess what is now a priority.  Make a ripple, start your own list, see what happens.,

Friday, August 29, 2014

We teach other people how to treat us

Do you know who you are?  I am not asking what you do, but if you know who you are as a human.  Many of us do not know this.  We define ourselves by what we do, not who we are at our essence.  So, are you a fine human who tries to do the best you can every day?  Are you a loving mother, a kind-hearted and generous person who looks outside of yourself to help others? Are you smart and talented and do you use your talents?  Do you have standards you adhere to no matter what?  These are just some of the questions a person might ask themselves.  We are human beings, not human doings.  And the way we treat ourselves is in direct proportion to the way others treat us.  Wow!  That could be scary or good, huh?!  Make a ripple, respect yourself, see what happens.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

"What would you do...

if you knew you would not fail?"  This is one of my favorite sayings.  I am thinking about it a lot lately.  Some times it is hard to put yourself out there, but hopes and dreams are only realized with some action behind them.  We all know how some famous inventor tried and failed 1,000 times before his invention was a success.  Well, even though we are taught that instant gratification is what we aspire to, maybe we could just step out there, and leave our egos under the mat.  Anyway, I have a project I have been scared to start, but no more. Make a ripple, join me, see what happens.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


We are so glad to see you return! 

Yakety Yak

I don't know about you, but one of the "baddest" habits I have made is to self-talk.  I can put myself down so fast it would make your head spin.  It is hard enough to have someone else do that, but, when we do it to ourselves, we are letting our best friend (us) cast a pall on our lives.  So I am working on this.  Every time I find myself doing it, I say "cancel," and say something wonderful instead.  It takes some practice, but I am getting better at it, and I notice, when I do this, my day goes a lot better.  We need to pay attention to the things that have been so ingrained, because some of them are not to our benefit.  Make a ripple, listen to yourself, see what happens,

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"The energiser Bunnies"

I awoke, this morning to the rambunctious sounds of my neighbor boys and their dogs.  Well, they have one loud dog and a pitty who is as sweet and quiet as they get.  Yes, I said a pit bull. What a baby!  But I digress... What I noticed, besides my sleep being disrupted, is the sheer joy these kids have and how that is translated into sheer energy.  Don't you sometimes wish you could go to the "Energy Store" and buy a gallon of that?!  Well, even at my age, I have found that if I can live in joy and gratitude and try to see the humor in everyday life, there is the bonus of feeling energised, no batteries needed! Make a ripple, be joyful, see what happens.

Welcome Italy!

We are so glad to see you!  Please come back and visit us!

Monday, August 25, 2014

"Sometimes you feel like a nut..."

I don't know if you are old enough to remember this piece of a commercial for a candy bar from back in the day, but I was contemplating it yesterday on my walk.  It is funny how some things translate to other things.  I was just thinking about how we fail to celebrate all the things we are and all the sides of us.  It is so SIMPLE to do this.  The world is not flat, and neither are we.  We act one way with one friend, another way at work, another when we are with family and sometimes, when we are alone.  I want to suggest we pay attention to WHO we are and all the WONDERFUL THINGS we bring to the world.  I don't think we do this much and we need to!  Make a ripple, "BE HERE NOW, see what happens.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Chillin' with Catboy

Catboy and I were discussing how he has had such great longevity and is so healthy.  Despite being 18 1/2, he still has a shiny coat, clear eyes, a bounce in his step, and all of his teeth.  Not many of us can say that unless we are a bit younger.  He also told me it was his, "catattude."  I asked him to elaborate and this is what he told me.  He never gets mad or frustrated unless he has a hairball.  Otherwise, he just enjoys life by sitting in a sunny spot, eating when he wants, stretching, napping and not worrying.  I asked him how he accomplished such feats.  He said it took some practice, but everyone could do it if they really wanted to. He stressed to me that no matter what you have been taught, you can always modify things to make them better for yourself.  He also told me "Happy cat, happy house!"  I know that is true.  Make a ripple, contemplate your "chill factor", see what happens.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Try this

Here's something that is easy and benefits us all.  I don't want to hear that you can't do it, either.  Everyone has at least 10 peaceful minutes in their day, and if you don't, you need to.  For 10 minutes a day, I want you to sit in a quiet place and breathe.  As you are breathing, I want you to think about all you are grateful for.  I know, sometimes, this can be a reach, but for your mental health, and the health of the universe, I am respectfully asking you to make the effort.  It has much more power when you are able to do it with another, but just the act of doing it, every day without fail, will make an enormous difference for all of us.  The world is full of to much chaos, this will help tip the scales.  Just think, you can be part of something that will make a huge ripple.  See what happens.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Watch out for shiny packages!

I don't like to dwell on politics.  It is a messy business full of lies and deceit.  But the thing I like worse is someone telling me something I want to hear, in a seemingly heartfelt way, who is just lying through their teeth.  One party, who does everything to desecrate education is now running a slick ad about how much education means for everyone.  I have to say, it drew me in at first, and I am not easily duped.  The ad is lengthy and is followed shortly by an ad about everyone needing to be employed, and how important it is to have a job,  I agree, they even show minorities working.  These are the people who would not extend unemployment, send jobs away, and could care less about our minority population.  REALLY!!!  Still, I am charging you, no matter where you live, to pay attention to what you are being fed by the media.  This party owns most of the media in this country. I do not know if you have the same situation.  It is so true that we all need to be educated and have jobs.  Everyone deserves that opportunity, but we need to figure out who is talking out of both sides of their mouth before we vote them into power.  Our kids are hanging in the balance.  Make a ripple, really pay attention, see what happens.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Fear not

I guess it is normal to be afraid of some things.  This morning, I had to face something.  My normal MO is to put it off.  Then I stew about it and put myself into a less than peaceful state.  But I am learning that if I face something head on, it seems to lose it's power, and many times, just like today, the monster ends up being a dust bunny. Make a ripple, lose the fear, see what happens.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Second Chances

A young man, fully grown now, has been a friend of mine for many years.  He has struggled since he was in his teens with addiction and other things.  His life was out of control, and then he became a father.  Sadly, the child died, and it sent him to the darkest of places for a long time.  His family did not know what to do.  They loved him, and swung from supporting him, to using "tough love."  He had a little sister who always hung in there and people who tried to help, but if you have been through this, you know what a roller coaster it can be.  Somehow, he has made it through.  We all know that it comes down to the person, to do that, no matter who else is in the picture.  I am proud to report that he is working full time now, has a loving partner, and best of all, they are expecting a child.  He, because of his tenacious strength of spirit, gets a second chance.  Make a ripple, be strong, see what happens.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The learning curve

It was a toss up today between a meditation on Catboy's cat box and school. They both have a distinct learning curve, but school won out by a page.  It is that time of year, again.  Lots of stores have been hawking school supplies since the 5th of July, (that seems a little like overkill if you ask me, let the kid have some summer!) But, nevertheless here it is.  If you work in the school district, it is a mixture of excitement and dread.  Come to think of it, that is how most of the students feel. Then, there are some of us who would give their left #^# to be going back.  (That would be me!)  It is a good thing we all have this earth school to learn in.  It will feel good to get back and be serious about learning and experiencing some new things, after this rather lazy summer.  Make a ripple, dust off your brain, see what happens.

Monday, August 18, 2014

There are at least two ways

of looking at life.  My mother, rest her soul, used to sing to me a song called, "Que sera sera."  It had to do with a rather fatalistic view on life.  It went, in part, like this: When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother what will I be, will I be pretty, will I be rich, here's what she said to me.  "Que sera, sera, what ever will be will be, the future's not ours to see, que sera, sera..."  I think I agreed with that song for many years, still sing it in honor of my mom, but my view has changed.  I now believe that how we think, creates our world.  If I choose to be happy and positive and look for the good, I get it.  It doesn't come exactly in my time, but I get it.  The opposite is also true, been there , wore the shirt, tossed it!  Make a ripple, with a smile on your face, see what happens.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Eat, play, love

What a week it has been.  We had the giant full moon, loads of unrest in different parts of the country and the world, a beloved actor's passing, and most of us have been feeling "floopy" at best. (fl oo py, completely off center.)  So I went to my sometime guru, Catboy for some answers.  His suggestion was to include HIS routine in our own.  First, eat many small meals a day.  Next, make sure you take time for play, (followed by a long nap), and finally, love yourself by allowing other's to love you.  He is really good at that.  He just shows up when he needs love, (many times a day) and by the time I am through loving him, and he is purring continuously, I feel better and also feel the love.  He tells me that if we do these things, we will have the world by a string. (Cat humor)  Make a ripple, take the suggestion, see what happens.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


is for the living.  So, today, really live your day!  Notice every little thing, be grateful for all you have, help someone less fortunate, do something silly, love, laugh, smile all day, and be patient.  Make a ripple, live your life, see what happens.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Welcome Taiwan!

We are so glad to see you!  Please come back! You are our 20th country and the US!

Moving on

The tears have dried up, at least for now. There are still unanswered questions, but it is time to shift focus.  If you are a person suffering, please reach out to another. It is always darkest before the dawn.  There is light out there and we need to find it and hold on to it.  We need to be grateful for all we have, and all the joy we have been given.  This would be a great time to get small and pay attention to everything.  Life is better when we do this anyway.  Hold your loved ones close and notice all the beauty in the world.  Make a ripple, really look, see what happens.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

You are not alone

If you are reading this and feel this way, be assured, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  Many of us have gone through the "dark night of the soul" and come through the other side, stronger.  You have to reach out, though, because there is always someone out there who cares.  I have been fortunate enough to have someone there when times have been unbearable and that is why I am here, today.  Please find a way to let someone in.  Make a ripple, be brave, see what happens.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

If you need help...

please talk to someone.  Life circumstances can sometimes be crushing.  You go to this very dark place and it seems as if you are stuck in this deep spiral  that is unending. I have been there more than once. You just become numb and nothing matters.  The only way out is to talk to someone, anyone.  If you don't have people you trust , call a hot line.  I know that making even that effort is sometimes more than you think you can do because you are so overwhelmed.  Do it!  Watch out for different behavior in your loved ones.  If their behavior changes, talk to them and watch them carefully.  I know every life cannot be saved, but as long as there is even one saved, it's worth it!  Make a ripple, pay attention, see what happens.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

No one could EVER

fill his shoes.  Yesterday, a wonderful genius died.  It was Robin Williams.  He was the ultimate actor with a range unfathomable.  He was a mesmerizing comic and a humanitarian.  If, by some way, you are unfamiliar with his work, get on the internet and look up some of his movies.  There is something there for everyone.  I am deeply saddened at his passing, but so incredibly grateful for his being here. He truly made a ripple we can, and will, feel forever. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

No plan

leads no where.  I have a dear friend who always wanted to be an Art Therapist.  It is all she thought about and all she wanted.  Then came life.  She did not get to fulfill her dream.  It left a mark on her.  Later, she did realize some other things that she came to want, but it wasn't the same.  My point here is figure out what your heart desires and make it happen.  I am happy to report that some years later, she has found something she is passionate about.  But there were a lot of years of drifting without a plan.  She tells me she wishes she had been more persistent.  So when you find your passion, go after it with all you have. Your life will be better for your effort.  Make a ripple, make a plan, see what happens.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sweet Lou

I am a hands down complete fan of baseball.  I love the game and all the nuances of it.  I get attached to the players, and managers and give them all nick names.  My favorite team is the Seattle Mariners.  Yes, I admit it!  I have slogged through many seasons with them dragging their sorry @##&*.  Of course, my favorite years were the ones when Lou Piniella managed the team. He was a wonderful manager, but also a great teacher and his wild and crazy personality was so outstanding. He always had his players backs! What a lot of people do not know was that he was drafted  as a player at 18, and had a lifetime batting average of .291!  He is now 70 and retired.  There was a celebration of him as he entered the MARINERS Hall of Fame yesterday.  What a guy!  He is still going strong.  He is busy and happy and I even saw a tear in his eye, through my own, yesterday at the ceremony.  He was never known for his tenderness.  But I will always remember him for his undaunted passion.  I would love to think we could take a page from his book and carry that passion with us throughout our lives.  Make a ripple, live your passion, see what happens! .

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A mind is a .....

wonderful thing to change.  It is easy to get caught up in the same old thing.  It is even easier to hold on to something that no longer serves us, because change is often painful.  But what if we thought about it a little less, and took it less personally.  Changing our minds could be a lot easier if we would just try it and see what happens.  Many times, just that happening changes a situation so much for the better.  Make a ripple, be open to change, see what happens.

Friday, August 8, 2014

One thing at a time

I don't know about you, but I have the habit of trying to do to many things at once.  What I usually end up with are several things done 1/2 way and being just a little frustrated.  Did you know that the mind can only hold on to 7 to 10 things at a time?  That seems like a lot, I know, but if you are a mom, that is nothing.  When the 8th to 11th thing shows up, everything falls off and we think we are getting dementia.  Our minds can do just so much.  So, I have decided to try and do one thing at a time, and do a decent job of it so I can go to the next thing and do the same.  Just a thought in this crazy mixed up "whirld."  (My word)  Make a ripple, one thing at a time, see what happens.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

More great humans!

A week or so ago, I booked a flight for a friend to go on vacation.  You may have had the experience of writing down flight numbers, confirmation numbers and all the other information.  A person can't get anywhere without all this information.  I wrote "SAVE" on the paper and promptly threw it away.  WHAT?  Not on purpose.  I contacted the airline, and felt like 2 cents waiting for change.  Fortunately, Anita A, and Mel #21 came to my rescue.  I hope Southwest Airlines knows what wonderful and valuable employees they have.  They were both considerate and patient as they listened to my story of woe.  Things got handled.  They are making a ripple.  Who can we be considerate and patient with today?  Lets try it, and see what happens.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

You choose

One of the best ways to live is knowing that there is always a choice.  Things may happen, but you always have the opportunity to react to it your way.  I used to just go with the bad things that happened to me and wallow in it.  Guess what?!  I just got more of the same, and felt weak.  At a certain point, though, I finally figured out I can chose a lot more of the time than I had been, and I could choose goodness, love, and gratitude.  If I live in just those three things, life is pretty good and I can pass that attitude to others.  Make a ripple, choose carefully, see what happens.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Driving in the Hood

I am guessing that road construction is happening almost everywhere.  While we are grateful for our roads being "fixed," getting around can certainly be a nightmare!  I know we will all be mindful of taking our detours, especially when taking them through neighborhoods.  All our kids and animals are out.  Some of our young children are just learning about crossing streets carefully, and many are playing in the streets of quiet neighborhoods.  People who don't usually have this kind of traffic will need to be more vigilant getting in and out of their cars, etc.  So I know we will all try a little harder, in this oppressive heat, to be kind and considerate of each other so that we can enjoy life safely!  Make a ripple, pay attention, see what happens.

Pop Quiz #3

Here is a question for you.  What is one thing that could stop violence,  derision, anger, and mistreatment?  It is so simple, that I am not sure why we haven't figured it out yet!  All we have to do is... What do you think?  My answer is to find happiness in our lives.  Think about when you are happy.  Do you want to argue?  Do you want to be rude?  Do you want to cut someone off in a car?  Do you want to treat someone unfairly?  NO.  Studies have shown that a happy person is non-violent.  Happiness is as easy as sadness.  I am here to tell you.  If you need help to get there, get it!  It is just like the comparison between frowning and smiling.  You use more muscles to frown, and you get more of the dreaded wrinkles, which make you frown more.  So, today, and every day, find something to be happy about.  Your life, and those around you will improve.  Make a ripple, smile, see what happens.

Monday, August 4, 2014


This has been quite a summer, everything has been so hot.  I'm not just talking about the weather.  It seems as if there are more fires, it seems as if there are more wars. The weather is on the whack! Yesterday, north of where I live, there was a storm that contained such bad hail, people were putting their cars away so they wouldn't be damaged.  Luckily, it missed me.  But these are the days of a lot of chaos.  So I am suggesting we learn a new word, and apply it to ourselves as often as we can. (Catboy does it all the time!)  The word is "chillax!"  I don't know if I made it up or heard it somewhere, but it says it all.  Make a ripple, chill and relax, see what happens.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Catboy says

Good Morning!  I have some important information straight from the cat's mouth.  It pertains to those of us sweltering in this hottest of summers, but it may also pertain to others who need it.  The first thing is to get lots of water.  You may not feel like eating, but do it anyway, you need to stay hydrated.  He tells me it is really cool under the bed.  Well...I don't fit.  Alternately, he suggests sitting directly in front of the fan.  He suggests many naps during the day, because he becomes exhausted wearing all that black and white fur.  I think one nap is essential.  Brushing should be a daily activity, because he is shedding so badly, but not in front of the fan unless you want a hair sandwich.  All in all, he suggests you take care of your pets, not leaving them in a car at all.  I am sure we can all benefit from some or all of these suggestions.  Oh, and one more thing.  Feel your pets ears to see if they are not to warm and also their nose to make sure it is wet.  Make a ripple, lots to do!, see what happens.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

What's YOUR purpose?

It's summer in many places.  Those hot, lazy, days where we just try and get through the day.  For me, it is a time to escape the heat and maybe do some reflecting.  These days, I am asking myself, "Why am I here?"  I do love writing this blog and I hope it has an effect, but also, what else can I do?  I think this question pops up many times in our lives.  It is good to think about who we are and what we need to do to make it a better world.  We have a different lens at each age.  I do know that if you are with me, we are trying to be better humans and I know that we are making a difference.  Make a ripple, keep it up!, see what happens.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Something old is new again

Recycling is not just for cans, paper, and glass.  It is not just for giving away old clothes and furnishings.  Although this is a great thing to do.  We can recycle old beliefs and habits, too.  Just like clothes go out of style, so do many of the things we were taught, or learned, just to get by. It is funny the way we hold on for dear life to things.  I am really good at that!  But if we take the time to figure out what works now, and discard what does not, it makes our lives more streamlined and easier, and makes us new.  Make a ripple, re-evaluate, see what happens.