Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, December 21, 2015

Did you wake up this morning?

celebrate that!  Can you see? Celebrate that!  Are you able to move around, think, hug your pet?  Celebrate that!  Do you have snow? Can you shovel it? Celebrate that!  Do you have a warm house and food?  Celebrate that!  I guess, by now, you get my drift.  Celebrate that!  The truth is, many of us have less than we want, many of us struggle at times, but there is ALWAYS someone who is worse off!  That is what those RED KETTLES are for.  That is what the FOOD BANKS are for.  So, no matter what you have, there is always change in your pocket, give it!  And don't forget to celebrate all the goodness in the world, even though it sometimes gets buried under minutia.  Perhaps if we thought MORE about the goodness and how to spread it, than getting caught up in the fear-mongering, the light would shine a little more brightly.  Today is the Winter Solstice, Celebrate that!  One more minute of light will be with us every day now.  We could sure use it!

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