Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

O ringy ding, O ringy ding

I know I speak of gratitude a lot.  One way we can show our gratitude for all we have is to put money into those red kettles with the wonderful people who ring the bells.  That money, however small, goes directly to those in need for food, clothing, and shelter.  I personally, cannot go past even one of them without putting something in.  Some times it is change, and sometimes dollars, but I always remember that there is someone else who has far less than I do and being able to give them something makes me feel like a part of the solution.  So the next time you hear that bell, don't head for the other door into the store, go to that little red kettle and do your part to spread the joy.  I personally wish they had them all year long.

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