Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, August 31, 2015

Become a...

Life long learner!  Tomorrow is the first day of school in these parts.  I remember the anticipation of starting that first day and I wish for all to feel that way.  Some start with dread, they don't have enough.  They might have a learning disability, they might have a crazy family who does not value education, or they might just be shy.  The good news is that there is food for those kids who have little or none.  You do have to fill out paperwork, but it is available for you.  We have been having all sorts of drives for school backpacks and supplies.  Education is one of the most valuable things a person can have.  Love is the most important!  But Love of Education just about tops it all.  As a person who spent 21 years in education and nearly that long being educated (and still going!)  I send you off with best wishes for a wonderful year.  Appreciate and celebrate your hard-working and poorly paid teachers!  They spend more hours than you can count trying to give you the finest education they can,  Believe me, it is a lot of work given the lack of supplies they themselves are given.  They have to be extremely creative to bring you all that they do.  Finally, become a life long learner.  I am one and can tell you that everyone and everything has a lesson for you if you just look. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Clearing the

air, what a wonderful thing!  We finally got a good cleansing rain last night.  It rained ALL NIGHT.  When I opened the window for C@boy this morning, I could see his little nose twitch at the smell of something clean and crisp.  I envision the areas around where I live, ground wet with fresh rain, and the people breathing a sigh of relief.  I guess clearing the air can be applied to a lot of things.  My grama used to send me outside "to get the stink blown off."  I just thought she wanted to get rid of me. But also, sometimes it is good to get a fresh outlook, a change of mood.  Clearing the air can also apply to straightening out miscommunication with a friend or loved one.  It can be used to re-visit past hurts, and then let them go like so much bad garbage we have been dragging along.  All in all, I think today should be "National Clear the Air Day!"  If it turns into a week, or a month, or a habit, so be it!

Saturday, August 29, 2015


walking is what I have been doing lately.  I am fortunate to live in an area full of parks and woods.  There is a wonderful park with a pond just a few blocks away from where I live.  On certain occasions, there is a blue heron walking gingerly around certain parts of the pond, while large frogs croak to their homeys. There are several types of dragon flies, ones with the black and white boxes on their wings, and the other with clear wings with iridescent markings. There are a large variety of trees, including dwarf fruit trees.  There are benches to observe the ducks, and various other birds who show up, including owls.  I stretch and walk.  It feels good to just observe what is going on and the beauty of it all.  It is probably the only time during the day that is completely mindless for me.  It is probably the best time of the day, not including my meditation time.  It is a time of being completely free.  As I become a little wiser, these times are so important.  When we are at peace, we can send peace elsewhere.  We sure could use more of that!

Friday, August 28, 2015

A male perspective..."I say what I say."

 Several Republican candidates seem to have had a lot to say lately.  The U.S. Constitution also has a lot to say.  Check out the part about citizenship (the 14th Amendment.)  Then the part about trial by jury and being innocent until proven guilty ( the 6th Amendment.)  The language may be inconvenient to some, but, HEY, if you don't like it, well, TO BAD!  The chances of changing it are slim to none.  The "Framers" made it that way in order to deal with bombastic politicians who try to inflame public opinion and seek attention for themselves by playing fast and loose with what is real.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


you do matters.  Sometimes, I think we go through periods of time when we sleep walk through life.  I know I have.  But the fact is that everything we do matters.  Every thought and deed sends a ripple through the universe.  What do we want to send today?  What can we think and do to positively affect those around us?  What really matters to us?  We all have a part in the good and bad.  We can influence both in ways we don't even pay attention to.  So, for today, think and act like everything is the beloved and feel in your heart what is happening.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Why not...

start and end your day with a few minutes of peace.  This is a habit I have developed in the last few months.  I give myself the gift of a little time in the morning to just sit and be in my happy nook with the window open and C@boy.  I drink in the peace and quiet and feel gratitude.  Then the madhouse begins.  But I know that starting this way, sets the tone for at least some smoothness within the day.  Then, when the day is over, and I am about to retire, I do the same thing.  If something has gone wrong, I try to replay it in a better scenario and forgive myself for my missteps.  We aren't perfect.  We are here just doing the best we can and being the best "us" we can be.  Then I drift off to a peaceful sleep.  Try it! I promise it will make a difference!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Whatever you do...

give it your best shot.  I am learning lots of lessons from re-painting my nook.  I stripped off the old wall paper to find some dings in the wall.  Nothing big, but you would think you would just do a light Spackle on them before you covered them with wall paper.  It took me just a short time to fix them.  This is a really old house with lots of charm, but if you had been around this long, you would need a few repairs, too.  What all this rambling leads to is that it is good to do the best job we can, whatever the job is.  It makes us feel better to show off our best work, lets us know how efficient we can be, and just maybe might last longer.  There have been times in my life, where I have done a hap hazard job, gotten in a hurry and just slapped something together.  I reaped the rewards of that.  Lesson learned!  So, learn a lesson from my nook, work done lovingly has strong rewards.  Can't we all use more love?!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Wh aaaaaaa t?

When a certain pseudo politician is getting 700 mentions in the news, and the reality of Global Warming has been mentioned 15 times, I have to say, it sends me into a "WTF" moment. REALLY ??!!


Computer decided to take the day off today.  I did not.  There will be a post later.  Stay tuned!

Sunday, August 23, 2015


A friend's long time beloved pet had to be put to sleep yesterday.  It broke my heart to hear about it as I have been through it a few times, myself.  It reminds me to cherish the time I have left with my 19 and a 1/2 year old cat, C@boy.  We are lucky to have had him for so long.  But it reinforces to me, that all our time is limited.  So today, and ongoing, I will be grateful for any time we have left, and pay attention to the joy and love I have gotten from him.  Maybe we had all better think about doing that!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

The smoke...

is clearing, for now, but the fires continue to burn.  It was nice, for once, to see a blue sky instead of a grayish brown one.  I actually opened the window for C@boy this morning and let him breathe in some "fresh" air.  He was really happy as that is his morning and night routine, and it has been sorely interrupted.  We are going out and about today, but I consider us the lucky ones.  We have better air and have healthy lungs.  For those of us fortunate enough not be in the middle of these horrible fires, give thanks, and open your wallets to the Red Cross ( who wants monetary donations)  Firefighters, and anyone connected with the efforts to contain and extinguish these fires.  Feel gratitude, if you are not in these situations.  They are all around us. Most of all, hold everyone involved in the light.

Friday, August 21, 2015

A male perspective : Where have you gone Sweet Lou?

As a long time Seattle Mariner's fan, I watched them play with purpose, passion and enthusiasm.  I have not seen that in Mariner's teams since you left!  I would urge Mariner's fans to take their entertainment dollars elsewhere until such time as they can get back to your standards.  You would not put up with their present, pathetic, performance!

Thursday, August 20, 2015


 July 2014 is officially the HOTTEST month E V E R recorded in the history of our weather temperatures, which have been recorded for over 100 years!  No Global Warming, huh??!!


and support your public T.V. station.  Actually, support all your local venues.  We may not always agree with our local newspaper, but they have historical value that cannot be replaced.  Our local public T.V. gives such a rich selection of programs not available anywhere else.  Our local economy is driven by our participation in local farmer's markets, businesses, and restaurants.  It is incumbent on us to make sure that our localities survive and thrive.  So, wherever you live, whatever town or city, become a part of your area.  We are the ones who can make a difference for our neighbors and friends by supporting them.  It all starts with us.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Believe in the

power of music to soothe your soul.  I am the kind of person who values silence.  But the next thing I love, besides the sounds of nature, is music.  It can transport me to so many places.  It can fill my heart with happiness, and bring up memories of utter heartbreak.  It seems, these days, that I listen a little less to the heartbreak music and concentrate on those songs, tunes, artists who lift me up.  Music has such power.  So when you are feeling funky, or bored, or just unattached, put on something that will shake you up and make you feel alive.  You even have my permission to sing out loud and out of the bucket wherever you are.  I do that all the time!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


small bites.  A few days ago, I started a huge project.  It is in a small room, but there is much to be done and the room is crowded, so first, I must remove a lot of clutter.  I sat down to make my list, which, as it turns out, is about as long as my arm.  ALL I REALLY WANTED TO DO WAS PAINT!!!!!!!!  As it turns out, I have to remove all the stuff to get to the walls! ;)  then, I have to wash down the walls with this liquid sandpaper because I tore off wall paper.  Of course, it has to be rinsed off and dry before I can Spackle and sand.  Luckily, I am buying the expensive one coat paint! This room is probably 6 X 6 with 6 windows in it.  I am the queen of starting big projects, getting 1/2 way through and throwing up my arms.  So I am going to use a lesson I learned when I lost a lot of weight many years ago, slow and steady, and take small bites!  This time, however, I am going to finish the meal!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Wherever you find yourself...

make yourself at home.  This is maybe a hard concept.  What it asks us to do is to become comfortable with ourselves, and in our own skin.  This is no simple task, it takes patience and compassion for what we see and carry around that make us feel less than perfect, worthy.  We need to know that these things we think are real are not.  We have a perfect heart.  So, today, try and find comfort wherever you roam.  You have your perfect heart as a pillow, as arms around you, as your best friend.  Breathe all that in and enjoy your day!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

It makes me smile

For a few years, now, I have bought myself fresh flowers every week of the year.  It makes me smile.  For many years, now, I buy the best coffee and make it for whoever is here, every day.  It makes me smile.  For 19 1/2 years, I have enjoyed my special C@boy. He makes me smile.  It is so important to do the little things that make us smile.  I am not in to "things" much, but there are certain things I do without thinking, that make my heart happy and make me feel appreciation for what is.  This, for me is a very short part of a lengthy list.  What makes you smile?

Saturday, August 15, 2015


your arms around a loved one, your change into the donation container, your enthusiasm into your family, or your work, be passionate, be excited, be free.  What do you want to say to someone? What would you do if you thought no one was looking? What would you do if you thought today was your last? DO IT!

Friday, August 14, 2015

From a male perspective... While you were sleeping

Note to the Republicans:  While you were sleeping in history class, you missed two important lessons.  #1  Building walls has seldom had the desired affect.  Check out China, Berlin,and France in the 1930's.  2nd Blowhard  3rd party candidates for president can have disastrous consequences for the GOP.  Check out 1912, and 1992.  Maybe this time, you will wake up to pass the test.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Fill your heart with love

I am taking this wonderful class.  It's main suggestion is to take your thoughts out of your head and run them through your heart.  It sounds weird, but our brains send us off in so many directions because they are run by our need to survive.  They don't have the capacity to think things through because they run on instinct.  I am talking about our basic brain that makes most of our split second decisions.  Then there is our heart.  What runs through it is love and the truth.  Hmmm... What would I rather view my life through and live my life through.  "All we need is love"  is a profound song.  Maybe we should sing it to ourselves each day when we wake up.  Lots of things will change, just with this effort.  Don't worry, I sing out of the bucket, too.  It is the thought that counts!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Welcome Portugal!

We are so glad you could join us!  Please come back!


your beloved pets!  C@boy is getting a little "long in the tooth."  He is starting to have days that he sleeps more and seems a little frail.  It scares me to death to think of him putting on his little angel kitty wings and flying off.  What I need to remember is all he has given me over these so many years, and what he has left for myself and my family.  What I need to do is cherish every moment he stays around and honor the fact that he chose us.  He is still running and jumping at times.  We still have our daily conversations, but I need to be acutely aware that all our time on this earth is limited and make the most of all the times that are left.  Do you have a cherished pet?  Let them know what they mean to you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

It never hurts...

to go above and beyond what your job entails.  Yes, I know that the way society is right now, we are expected to do way more in each job than usual.  This does not mean everyone does that.  But, I have a dear friend who does just that every day and yesterday, she got recognized by a customer, who told her supervisor.  Working in the food court is a lot harder than people think.  There are lots of trays that stack up.  They have to be cleaned and sorted to each different business.  Tables and chairs have to be straightened, cleaned, and returned in their order.  Spills are everywhere, wet, and dry.  They need to be cleaned up a certain way so the customers are safe.  Yesterday, in the middle of a busy lunch hour, someone made a big spill.  My friend, even though it is not necessarily her job, got the sign, and mopped up the mess,  which includes a dry mop afterward.  A customer saw how hard and efficient she worked and made sure she got credit.  We don't always get credit for our hard work.  We seldom get credit for it and hopefully, the fact that we do our best, is enough.  But the time someone thanks us is the time we remember with a smile.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Give away

the things you love.  I am here to tell you that when you do this, you will receive, tenfold.  When you come from your heart, and give what means most to you, you open up the world to yourself, and other's.  So be generous with your love, your attention, your dollars.  It will make a ripple through the universe.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


 lessons from the plants.  A while ago, actually, some years ago, I took some cuttings from a variegated Wandering Jew plant.  If you don't know them, they are a lovely vine with pointy, oval leaves (sometimes different shapes) that come in multi-colored leaves, plain leaves, and if you are lucky, they are furry and a beautiful deep purple.  The plants are prolific and you can cut pieces off and start new plants easily.  Well, I had taken the cuttings and put them in water and left them on a window sill.  I forgot to water them, so I took the dead pieces sadly to the garbage.  One, had survived, no water for how long.?!?  So I pulled off the dead leaves, ALL BUT ONE, and began to water it.  Guess what!  I have this nice big full plant that I can take many more cuttings off of to make MORE beautiful plants.  What all this rambling is about is that I think we forget the strength of our own spirit sometimes, and the miracles waiting within us to grow, bloom and prosper.  So gently take off the dead leaves, but look for the one that has made it through everything and nurture it.  It might just surprise you!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

A new view

Last night, my friend and I went out.  We get together a couple of times a month and play.  For a while there, we got stuck in the same old routine.  Oh, it doesn't matter what we do, because we have fun, and laugh, but, last night, we went to a completely different part of town, and ate dinner at a golf course by a lake.  It was so beautiful and serene.  We actually drove down by the lake and walked around.  It felt as if it were another world. We are fortunate to live in an area where you can get to water pretty easily.  The fact is we don't take advantage of it often.  From the feeling I have today, I will not neglect that so much anymore.  After all, the good weather only lasts so long.  I wonder what else I am missing?!?

Friday, August 7, 2015

From a male perspective: Bring on the ELEPHANTS!

After watching the Republican Presidential debates, my congratulations go out to "FAIR AND BALANCED" FOX news network (they will not be hosting ANY Democratic debates,) for their latest attempt to gain ratings and put "butts in the seats!"  BREAKING NEWS: The election is 16 months away.  Put a tent on this circus, and bring in the CLOWNS!

Thursday, August 6, 2015


We are not what we do or have.  That does not define us.  We are human BEINGS.  How we "be" is who we are.  If we "be" from our hearts, that is all we need, to be our TRUE self.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"The picture tells the problem"

TEN RICH MEN are debating women's issues.  WOMEN are over 1/2 of the population! 31% of single mom's live in poverty in the U.S. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE??? 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Empty yourself out...

so you can fill yourself up again.  Lately, I have been working on cleaning up little messes around here.  What always comes hand and hand with that is cleaning up my own personal messes.  I am not sure which one is easier.  What I am sure of is that I always feel better when I have made some kind of inroads.  The same thing does not always work, so I have to be creative. Sometimes, I make some kind of a game of it, with, of course, a reward.  Many times, the reward ends up being just the act of getting something accomplished.  Sometimes, it ends up being ice cream. :)  It always ends up being a win-win situation!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Short and sweet!

"To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it."  Confucius

Sunday, August 2, 2015

"Shake it off!"

Sorry, I was having a Taylor Swift moment!  She has a point, though.  It seems as if we let our selves get dragged down when something hits us personally.  It is as if we give all our power away to someone else.  People can decide who we are and how we should act.  I am talking about ourselves, in general.  What that leaves us with is not really knowing who we are.  We have good minds, and ideas and hearts and so now, lets start using them.  We are kind, thoughtful, sincere, hard-working, and creative, lets show them what we can do to make things better, and get out from their thumb.  "Shake it off " and become the REAL you.  See what happens!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Don't do this!

Yesterday, I got up, ate quickly, and went up to the park to get my walk before it got hot.  It was early, and still  82!  I finished my walk, ran my errands and went home where I did more stuff, laundry, kitchen, watering and the like.  Then, all of a sudden the day was gone and I had had about 1 glass of water.  OOPS!  With the OOPS came blurred vision, dizziness, and a raging headache which, by the way, lasted until today.  I finally drank the water I thought I needed, but it was too late.  Right now, I feel better, but a little weak.  Don't do this!!  It is not fun, not good for you, and it takes a while to get over.  Love your body, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!  Pop and lemonade,*which I do not drink! do not count!