Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, February 28, 2014

I am a human being

I am black and white and every shade in between.  I am gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender.  I am female, and male. I am a citizen of the world. I laugh and cry. I bleed when I am cut, and feel love in my beating heart. I am worthy of dignity and respect, because I am you.  I am a human being. Lets make a ripple, together, and see what happens.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Here's some help with voting information

In order to help you find out about  absentee and early voting in your state, I suggest you look at this site.  My friend made a comment about using absentee voting where suppression is becoming so prevalent.The address is a little long, but the information is invaluable, so take the time to look this up! The address is: www.ncsl.org/research/elections-andcampaigns/absentee-and-early-voting.aspx  This is the "National Conference of State Legislatures,"   and it is a bipartisan group. Please take the time to check this site out. I realize I have people outside of the United States viewing this site.  Voting rights are for all of us and I encourage everyone to make sure their rights are not being mitigated or violated.

If the only way you can win is to cheat...

This week, in Ohio, 6 days of early voting and a large amount of voting machines were removed.  All of this was voted in along "party lines."Hmmmm  So now, many African Americans who vote on Sundays will not be able to do this.  The  new restrictions will impact over 400,000 voters in the state, many of whom work several jobs and need to have the extended days and hours to get to the poles. This is a moral outrage!  Did you know that when fewer people vote, the party pushing these laws usually wins?  Don't even get me started on all the redistricting they are doing.  It's voter suppression and it is wrong!  Ohio is not the only state doing this!  Please check out the next post for information on how your state handles it's voting. Make a ripple, find out about your own state, see what happens.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wisdom is everywhere...look around!

In the spirit of learning lessons from everything, here is what I gleaned from an article about taking care of problematic spring gardening issues.  Thank-you to February 2014 "Tree Services" magazine for their seven steps which seem to pertain to everything!  1)"accept the situation" 2) "analyze facts and feelings" 3)"define goals and objectives" 4) "generate ideas to achieve goals and objectives" 5)" select best ideas or combination of ideas"  6) "implement" 7)" Evaluate, start over: never finished."  WOW! If we applied this in our lives, success would be ours! Thank-you again! Make a ripple, start with step 1, see what happens.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Let me get this straight...

People who have worked for years are now unemployed, yet you do not want to extend their unemployment.  What happened to the "Jobs Bill?"  Our infrastructure is crumbling and that is a huge safety hazard to everyone, and yet you do not want to work on it, knowing that it would create many needed jobs.  No-one can live on the minimum wage, and and yet you continue to oppose raising it (people could live on it and get off the "social programs" you hate so much!)  You work so few days a month, it would shock people to know , and yet you have all the good perks and a six -figure salary. Yes, I am angry!  And I want others' to get angry too, and do something about this travesty!  Make a ripple, vote for someone who will truly represent you, see what happens.vote for someome who will truly represent you!, 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Fool me once...

We all know the saying - we've all been there, and if you are like me, you may have been fooled twice.  Then the rubber must meet the road.  It doesn't matter what the "fooling" is about, what really matters is that we learn to love and respect ourselves enough to stop, and say "no more!" Life is too short to allow this disrespect. Make a ripple, love yourself first, see what happens. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

2014 - Are you aware?

This year of 2014, my focus is on all of us being more aware, aware of how to be our best selves so that we can extend outward toward other's.  What I'm noticing is that this idea is starting to spread!  From the "Oreo" commercial, I wrote about recently, to the "Swiffer" commercial including the young amputee, and the "Arthur" show which includes a new friend who is autistic, things are slowly expanding.  Life gets better when we accept and celebrate each other.  Thank you so much for being a part of this.  Make a ripple, spread the word!, see what happens.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sleep...the wonder drug

We all know how we feel when we don't get a good night's sleep.  I am willing to bet there are more of us than we think! Then there are the times when we actually do get a good sleep.  What's the difference?  WOW!!!! It seems, for me, at least that I feel like I can conquer the world when I have gotten enough sleep.  Problems seem a little less problematic, the sun shines brighter, well, you get the point.  One trick I have found is to list off all the things I am grateful for in bed at night.  Sometimes, the list seems sort of short, other's longer, but each time I end up dozing before the list is done.  Don't we owe it to ourselves to invest in keeping our bodies and minds healthy in this way?  I am here to tell you that the Catboy is seldom cranky and sleeps 18 hours a day.  Lets take a page from his book.  Make a ripple, take a nap, see what happens.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Most of the commercials on T V are either mind-numbing or frighten us to death about all the drugs they want us to take for various illnesses.  But, occasionally, there is one that strikes a chord.  The newest "Oreo" commercial gives a message that can be taken more than one way!  It talks about celebrating differences. (all the flavors (of life.)  I applaud whoever put this ad together.  I believe they knew exactly what they were doing! So, whoever you are, keep it up!!!  Make a ripple, send your own message, see what happens.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lighting a candle in the wind

Sometimes getting through life is like trying to light a candle in the wind, hard to do , but not impossible.  Today, my dear friend who is conquering cancer, put 3 sturdy rocks around a candle and even on this windy day, it stayed lit!  This reminds me any and all things are possible with a strong will and good support.  Make a ripple, consider your own possibilities, see what happens.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What floats YOUR boat?

It's so easy with all we deal with on a daily basis, to get lost and complacent.  What I am learning is whatever I feel passionate about propels me in a good direction!  How do we find our passion?  We have to ask ourselves "what do I do that makes me feel excited and energetic?"  What makes me jump out of bed each day?  Then, think about how great it would be if this enthusiasm spread!  Make a ripple, find your passion, see what happens.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rumble, crumble, boo...m

In Oklahoma, this week, there were 94 measurable earthquakes in just 3 days!  That averages out to 31 earthquakes a day!  Why, you ask could this possibly be happening?  The answer could very possibly be the amount of fracking going on in that state.  Fracking involves" injecting a combination of water, sand, and chemical additives under the earth to fracture the rock formations and release oil and gas."  It has been known to contaminate surface and ground water (that's what you drink, and bathe in)  and adversely affect air quality.  Will we ever decide that the quality of human life is worth more than the almighty dollar?  What ever happened to wind and solar as forms of energy? What are we willing to do?  The least we can do is become informed and speak up!  Make a ripple, love Mother Earth, see what happens.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Tangled ...and untangled

Yesterday, I washed a beautiful, highly fringed favorite table topper.  I always wait to wash it because it becomes such a tangled up mess, it takes me well over an hour to straighten out the fringe by hand so I can hang it up to dry. So I sat down and watched "Hairspray" and got to the untangling.  As I sat there, I thought about my life and how tangled up it gets. I realized that putting off untangling it just causes frustration and fear.  My precious table cover is hanging to dry - unaware of what it taught me today.  I just need to patiently untangle my messes, and things will get better.  Make a ripple, face the tangles, see what happens. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Perfect is not always "perfection."

The longer I live, the more I learn that things can be perfect without being "perfection."  Case in point: today my dear friend and I went to pick up her new pup "Lucy."  Believe me, I have had plenty of dogs as pets, loved them and mourned their loss.  But I have to tell you how sweet and graceful Lucy is in the car.  She just laid in the back seat quietly, only barking when one of us got out.  It makes me look, again, at "what is perfect?"  She is deaf and a little chubby and so perfect.  She gave me a lesson today. Perfect is what's right for you!  Make a ripple, ask the question, see what happens.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Herding Cats

The good news is that winter is on the downhill slide.  After all, I can actually see my lawn.  It's green!  We've slowed down a bit, maybe attached to our hibernating tendencies. But now, things are turning. We are waking up and preparing to gear up, and crash headlong into spring. (It has to come sometime) The movement is good and to me, starting it will be better if we help each other after our "wintermagedon."  Initially, it may feel like herding cats, but I know we will prevail!  Make a ripple, get ready to pounce, see what happens.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Take Heart!

You never know the impact of your actions.  It can be life-changing!  My professor friend related a story to me today about running into a former student on the elevator at college.  She didn't recognize him at first, until he told her that because of taking her class, he had quit smoking after 20 years of trying.  You never know the positive impact of your actions!  Make a ripple, take heart, see what happens.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


The weather has finally broken for more than one day at a time. Wahoo!  I spent most of an hour shoveling a path across my snowy yard just now and the endorphins are off the chart!  It's 50, sunny, and my transition glasses have transitioned.  O K now we can wake up and be alive again, hibernation over! (at least fairly soon.)  What can we do with all this new-found energy?   I'm gonna share it!  Make a ripple, share the energy and joy!, see what happens.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Think about what this name conjures up for you.  I know, Lucille Ball!  Funny, wonderful, quirky, Lucy.  Here's another thing to conjure.  How about white, fluffy, wiggley, sweet, and adorable.  This is the deaf puppy my friend is welcoming into her family.  At this point I will put a shout out to Double J Dog Ranch/ www.doublejdogranch.org/ This wonderful couple fosters other-abled dogs.  They make wonderful pets.  Make a ripple, find a new friend, see what happens. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"You can't eat with your mouth closed."

A friend said this to me recently.  It made me laugh. He works at one of my favorite stores and is always full of humor.  The truth is this could be a metaphor for lots of things.  What comes to me first is "if our mind is closed, we don't get fed either."  Many things influence our lives and way of thinking.  Along the way, we choose what to believe and base our way of living on it.  But, just like food, old thoughts might need to be thrown out in order for our lives to be improved.  We need to know it is OK to throw these things out and start again with something better.  Make a ripple, embrace change, see what happens.

Monday, February 10, 2014

FYI #2

As you know, I am still learning to be a blogger.  What I've learned recently, is that a person needs to use "Google" to get to the site.  Also, I have improved the ability for people who check the blog on their smart phones.  Since I don't do that, I did not consider this.  My bad.  Anyway, it is fixed so you can use your phone and computer to stay connected and continue to Make a Ripple with me.  Thanks!

The gift that keeps on giving...

What if there was something you could give to everyone every day that cost you nothing, but was priceless?!  Would you, could you give it?  How about a minute of your time.  The gift, you see, is a smile.  We all know how wonderful it is to have that happen to us.  It lifts us up even in dark times.  The present is a present, so I say give it!  Make a ripple, make every day an occasion, see what happens.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

I might buy a cupcake!

To my complete surprise and joy, this is my 100th blog.  I am so grateful to all of you who read them and inspire me to write more every day.  Nothing makes me happier than to see that over 2300 people have read them in 9 countries and the United States in about 3 months.  This is truly our blog.  You all know the mission here.  I call this one the "splash up" theory.  We all know how well the "trickle down" theory worked...(NOT!)  All our efforts to work from ourselves out are already being felt.  Each one of us has a powerful force for goodness!  I am humbled and grateful because I know we will continue to MAKE A RIPPLE!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Rescue Me

My dear friend has had less than a stellar year.  She is living several states away from family, has had health problems, and needed to find a new job.  I am glad to report she is feeling better, and has gotten her dream job.  The next part is the best!  She is getting a rescue pet.  Not only that, but she is getting one who is hard of hearing just like she is.  How cool is that?! Rescue animals are wonderful because in rescuing them, we rescue ourselves  Make a ripple, take the step, see what happens.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Looking with a different eye

My grandma used to say, "there's more than one way to skin a cat."  We weren't best buds, mainly because she hated cats.  So, here is another 'cat tail.'  For years, I have had help pedicuring my cat.  He has always hated it, so today I decided to go to plan "B."  I approached him on his nap pillow, talking softly and we got the job done quickly and easily.  My point here is, there's always another way to do something, even if you have made a habit. And... the new way might just be better!  Make a ripple, use the other eye, see what happens

Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Oh, the weather outside is frightening..."

Winter has most of us caught with a vengeance.  We rush from the house into work or the store, cheeks stinging, toes frozen.  It is so beautiful and harsh.  If we are lucky, we have a warm place to go and thaw out.  If we're not, there are shelters, but maybe not enough.  My suggestion is to be grateful for what we have, maybe plan a spring (?) garden, for spring must surely come. In the meantime, find a way to help those who do not have what we do.  Give a blanket, a coat, or a donation to a local shelter.  Make a ripple, think of them, see what happens. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"You are me and I am you"

I ran into the post office to mail a package today.  As I stood in line, I noticed a man at the counter who seemed to be having a difficult time.  He kept repeating the same thing over and over to the postal worker.  This went on for about 5 minutes.  Finally, another man came in to help us.  I commented on the patience of his colleague, how gentle and kind he had been.  My frustration melted as he spoke of the customer who comes in often.  It made me think that that could have been me.  I wanted to slap myself for being annoyed at all.  Make a ripple, give up judgement, see what happens.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What is normal?

One of my dear friends and I have this discussion fairly often.  Both of us dislike the word "normal." And neither  of us is remotely normal.  What is it, anyway?  Who decides?  We are all wonderful in our uniqueness.  We give the world color, shape, and texture.  If we were all the same and "fit in the box," life would be one big yawn, in my opinion.  Make a ripple, shine as you are, see what happens.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Laugh and be well

Studies show laughing affects your immune system in a positive way.  It just makes a person feel good all over.  Seeing the humor in things changes our life completely.  My friend and I were out last night laughing the whole time.  Fun can be made of all sorts of things. The best thing for me is making fun of myself.  Boy do I do some goofy things!  We all do!  Make a ripple, find the humor, see what happens.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The blank page

Every day is a new start.  The page is empty, waiting to be filled.  What do we have to say today?  The cool part is it can be a word, a sentence, a paragraph, or more.  The important thing is that we pay attention to our words, because they become an action.   Ask yourself what action you want to take today, and what difference it will make for you and all of us.  I am going to follow suit!  Make a ripple, make your statement, see what happens.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

K and M to the rescue!

I love my local grocery!  I end up seeing everyone I know at some point and the people who work there are just like family!  I have a bad habit of skipping meals and when I was visiting in the bakery, I started to crash (low blood sugar)  Almost before I could say something, these wonderful women had me sitting down with water and a cookie, hovering around me like twin helicopters.  Two things:  Be grateful for the people who care about you, and don't forget to eat.  Make a ripple, nourish yourself every day, see what happens.

Hope Springs Eternal

Something was different when I woke up this morning.  I couldn't put my finger on it but it was good.  (Maybe I got enough sleep!)  It turned out to be...blue sky between the clouds.  I was euphoric!!  We have had fog non-stop for weeks on end.  I went to every window in the house to see if I was just imagining it.  Nope!  My point here is that our lives may feel dark and cold for periods of time, but there are always blue skies lurking under it, and when they surface, Yahoo!  Make a ripple, Look for the blue skies! see what happens!