Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Fear, Oh Dear, revisited

I have written about this before.  It seems to pop up a lot. Certain people of a political party want to rule us with fear.  Lets look at how that works.  First, our heart races, then we want to retreat, or we get mad and think of ways to protect ourselves.  Hello NRA!  This is THEIR plan!  It does not help anyone but them.  Gun sales are off the charts.  Please answer this:  When does a normal citizen EVER need an assault rifle?  The second amendment called for an "armed militia."  These people used MUSKETS.  If you can find anything about everyone getting an assault rifle, please show that part to me.  I can't find it.  The point is that fear plays into the hands of many evil people.  It is much more insidious than anything.  You can't tell me that we make rational decisions out of fear, but that is just what they want.  It makes us weak, and irrational.  This spreads and spreads.  What kind of people are we?  Is this how we want to live?  I certainly don't !!!

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