Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Find the funny...

in every day life.  It seems as if the world is so serious.  Our lives are about the same.  We hold our breath as we go from one task to the next, missing something that is present everywhere, humor!  There are so many things that are funny around us and we are too busy to notice.  What a shame that is as humor is one of the best healers we have.  So, when you are out and about today, stop and think of something funny, and share it.  It will take practice, but it will also free up your mind and soul.  Laugh at the absurdity of life with me!  Let's all become healed together!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Take care of your...

plants.  This morning, I woke up to a beautiful blooming purple violet.  I was given this plant as a gift a few months ago.  It was covered with violets and it reminded me of the good times I had with my grama.  She had an entry way that was lined on both sides with every color and type of African Violet you can imagine.  They were white, pink, purple, double and single blooms, the whole deal.  I loved them and thought they were really faeries.  So when I got the plant, I had two feelings: remembrance, and the fear I would kill it!  The blooms dropped off quickly.  Crap!  I found out later it was because my kitchen is not very warm.  But I was determined to keep this plant alive and put it in a special place just above my sink.  Every day I would talk to it and check if it needed watering.  They are a little fussy, and you can't get their leaves wet. All that persistence paid off, today I have 5 clusters of buds and 2 that have actually opened.  I wonder what would happen if I treated myself in such a loving way?  Maybe I will give it a try!

Friday, May 29, 2015


Last evening, a friend and I met for dinner.  It was beautiful , yet a little windy.  There were a few dark clouds in the sky, and as we walked in to the restaurant, we were commenting about the fact that it might storm.  When we were through eating, we decided to take a walk.  The wind had come up and the sky was getting dark, but we decided to walk, anyway.  It was a great walk, and we watched as it got windier, and darker.  We both love storms!  By the time we got back to the car, we had a full blown rain storm with thunder and lightening.  We sat in the car and talked about life, and our situations. It seems to me that I have always looked forward to the storms. I revel in the darkness, mixed with the lightening, and the noise of the thunder.  I guess I know that the storm will always pass, but it made me think of my life. Maybe I secretly love the storms in it too, because they shake things up, and eventually, the sun must show itself.  Just a thought.  

Thursday, May 28, 2015

When you hit the wall...

don't back up and go for it again.  You will only get bruised and confused. (I made a little rhyme!)  I am the type of person who, when I want something so much, sometimes ignores the signs that it might not be the right thing.  I simply keep trying to get it.  Luckily, I have gotten a little better, but I still end up bruised sometimes.  There is a secret, though.  If I am in a good place with myself, I think before going headlong into the wall.  The trick is to find that good place, our center, and that prevents a lot of wall-banging.  It takes patience to find our center, and it takes practice.  It starts with breathing and just being present in the moment.  I am bruised right now, so I plan to tackle the art of being present and centered, once again.  It takes 21 days to make a new habit.  Want to join me?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


our teachers and our kids.  I live in a state which is having walk-outs in many school districts today.  As a former employee of the school district, I support them wholeheartedly!  When I worked for the school district, Special Education was not even funded!  REALLY!  These are some of our most vulnerable kids!  Our textbooks were 8 to 10 years old and had to be copied for the kids because we didn't even have enough of them.  This is shameful!  These teachers work hard, and are paid very little.  We need good teachers to help educate our most precious children.  They are the future and we should be ashamed if we don't invest all we can in them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

If you want...

your life to be easier, start with loving yourself just the way you are.  Well, I know that is a really easy request.....NOT, but it is like trying to build a house on sand if you don't.  Caring about ourselves is the foundation of everything.  I know this sounds weird, but it is like the saying, "Pay yourself first."  That saying can be used on many different levels.  Loving and taking care of ourselves just makes it easier to navigate all the stuff out there.  So, for today, and continuing, I am asking you to join me in the "Caring for Myself Club."  This will not cause you to be selfish, rather, it will cause you to be SELFLESS, and others will benefit from your own calm waters.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Let's not forget the sacrifices of the men and women in the military who gave their lives for our freedom.

Two things to note, two different posts.

Today is the birthday of someone I love very much.  Join me in holding him in the light, and celebrating his time on this earth.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

If this minute sucks...

take a breath.  Our lives can change in the next second.  What I am learning is that the way I think influences what happens in my life.  If I am feeling negative, that is what happens next.  If I remain positive and grateful, that is what happens next.   Sometimes, I think life is just one long test.  But what I know for sure is that with the right attitude (and I know it is hard to maintain sometimes!) things can turn around in the next second or minute.  So, take a breath with me.  It is good to breathe even and especially in the worst of times, but when things turn around and are good, the breath is magical.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Just a thought...

A good friend and I were talking about life in general, yesterday.  We were talking about things we wished were different, and maybe what our hand was in it.  Then my friend started pointing out some things that were pretty nice.  I had to agree, tho, I wanted more.  It doesn't seem today, that we use the phrase, "being content."  I don't think many people know about it or are taught about it.  It is always, something more.  As I was driving my friend home, we stopped by another friend's house so she could pick something up.  It is in an area I love in town, really peaceful, and some of the ones who live there have gardens in their front yards, it is sort of a throw back to the 70's feeling.  It was like breathing different air. So, I came home and thought about that brief feeling of just being content. It felt really good, and I am going to work on having that feeling a lot more often.  Want to join me?

Friday, May 22, 2015

Jump and run

day is what today's been!  I had just enough time to get up, eat, clean up a few messes and run out the door.  It has been a really busy day, and it continues to be.  Hope you had a good one, regular post will be on again tomorrow.  Have a good evening.  Sweet dreams to all of you!

Thursday, May 21, 2015


in the moment.  I know I have written about this before, but I am learning that well made plans can fall away, leading to disappointment, and if I am in the now, I can choose to be happy.  The moment is all we have, anyway.  Enjoy your moments and be fully invested in them.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Dandelion wars, part two

Yesterday, I awoke very early with so much energy, I ate, fed the furry boy, and started weed whacking in the back yard all before 6 am!  My battle cry, was "Die Dandelions, Die!"  After most of a day, I am proud to report, the entire lawn has been cut down to a normal length, and the plan has been put into motion!  What hasn't been pulled or dug is awaiting another fate!  " Be scared, be very scared!"   I must say that the saying, "everything in moderation did not apply yesterday!"  But as I look out the kitchen window, I am proud and excited for the next faze!  That will happen as soon as I can lift my arms again, preferably tomorrow.  Until then, the battle is started, and I intend to win the war!  What is your project? Get in there!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Just this morning, a good friend of mine spent, I don't know how much time trying to find out about his debit card being hacked.  He is generally very careful and only uses it at certain times.  I have been through this.  Many of us rely on a debit card for most, if not all of our purchases,  however, I am wondering if taking the time to write an old fashioned check might be the way to go, or to carry cash.  I feel for the people at the stores who have to write down all the information when we write a check, and sometimes carrying a wad of cash is not possible.  So, here we are again.  The crooks are getting smarter!  We need to find a way to outsmart them!  In the meantime, you know the drill, 7-10 business days! ;(

Monday, May 18, 2015

Old habits die hard!

and old habits of old cats die harder!  As usual, after his morning cookies, and trip to the lavatory, C@boy had his water and patiently awaited his soft food.  Mom is very careful, usually to buy a certain flavor,(we are getting really picky these days!)  and it HAS to have gravy in it, but not the runny kind.  By accident, I got the kind WITHOUT the gravy at all.  Someone was not happy.  I thought to add a little warm water, but, it was a texture issue.  I have to say that that is a family issue, anyway.  I apologized  profusely, and he decided to finally try it.  Considering how he lifted up his lip when he ate, I might make the choice to buy the other one next time.  I did tell him he needed to be more flexible, I think he fell asleep while I was talking to him. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Dad Bodies, REALLY?!

I am watching T.V. this week and the new "BIG" thing is people thinking that  average sized to chubby men is sexy.  They are calling them "dad bodies."  There seem to be a fair amount of actors who are "letting themselves go, "  "famous MALE actors," who get to start a "trend!"  WOW!  It seems to me that there are a lot of attractive PEOPLE of all different sizes.  The fact that someone has to make a big deal of anyone just getting older and not having a cut body, or the inclination to have one, seems really STUPID to me.  And, then, that leads me to the real question.  When will the same slack be in the news  about a "MOM" body?  Could the answer be "NEVER?!" WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE???????  And when was the last time you saw a man in 7 inch heels????

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Patience Pays Off!

Patience....It is not what I am famous for.!  In fact, it is something I am working on ALL THE TIME!!!  But guess what...Success!  A few months ago a dear friend gave me an African Violet plant.  I was excited because it was full of beautiful purple violets (Purple, my very best color!)  So, I watered it and tended it, and soon, all the beautiful violets were gone. :(  My other friend had gotten the same kind of plant, and I would go over to her house and HER plant was covered with the flowers.  Mine was barren!  So I put the plant in a special place where I would see it every day.  I tenderly checked it and watered it judiciously.  I spoke to it of wanting to see those little purple beauties it once had.  Lo and behold, this morning, there are two tiny stems covered with buds.  Two things: never give up, and never give up. You should see my smile today!

Friday, May 15, 2015

When you are "stuck!"

It is that time of year, again, when I go through a period of being "stuck."  It seems as if things pile up and I ignore them, or let them slide for a while.  You'd think I would learn, after doing this so many times, but here I am again.  This time, I think I caught it a little sooner than usual.  So here is what I am going to do. BREATHE! Then, I will make a list and prioritize it.  One of the first things I am going to do is get back with C@boy and finish his book.  The next thing I will do is tackle my spring budget.  Then I will go out into the jungle which is my back yard, and after I scream, invite my neighbor over with his weed whacker.  This is just a partial list, and I am giving fair warning to my elderly computer, that her replacement is also on the list if she doesn't straighten up!  What's on your list?!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

In every moment...

we have a choice.  Sometimes, we question where we are and how we got to this place.  Usually, when this happens, we are questioning outcomes that are less than we had hoped for.  We need to know that in every moment, we have the chance to make a different choice.  I know that all our previous moments lead us up to who we have become, but, if we want something different, we can find a way to get it.  This can be pretty hard, but we all have that little fire inside us that we can access.  Sometimes, we need to ask for help.  I am not so good at that, but when I need it, I ask.  Our moments are so precious, don't we owe it to ourselves to make the best of each and every one ?!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Rain, Rain

Stay for a while!  There have been times in my life when days of rain were not what I looked forward to.  I guess it was when I was staying at the ocean that I really didn't like it.  But, today, I am so glad to see it.  The forecast says we are going to see rain for the next few days, and I am grateful for that!  C@boy loves the rain, of course he doesn't have to be in it, but I leave doors and windows open for him and he perches in front of them, taking all the wonderful smells it imparts.  Today I am getting a good laugh at the sick maple trees on my street!  Take that you sticky pollen filled car messer uppers!  My vehicle, Buttercup is also happy for the free bath.  So, when I take my walk today, umbrella atop, I will take in the fresh smell, and be thankful for the beauty it brings.  Then I will clean the drops off my glasses, and carry on. 

Welcome Mexico!

We are so glad to see you! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The great dandelion wars!

I don't know about you, but I dislike conflict of any kind.  However, I have this recurring pest in my yard that makes me want to pull out all my hair.  Yes, they are kind of cute with a sunny yellow flower, but they are the enemy!  This year they are so prolific, that my back yard is a sea of yellow.  As you may know, I use a push mower.  All the stems do is lay down as I push through them.  This causes me to have to mow the lawn 3 different ways just trying to cut the majority of them down, then I go back and pull off the rest.  This drives me crazy!  On top of that, I have a small garden, so I don't want to poison them, honestly, I don't think I could anyway.  I am the person who takes a spider out of the house with a paper and a cup.  So here we are, again.  I guess I should be grateful I don't live in California right now (Sorry California)  I would probably miss the little buggers.....NOT!

Monday, May 11, 2015

There is a saying...

my cranky old grama used to say: "Good fences make good neighbors." I would really like to refute that statement.  In the lottery of having good neighbors, I have won the jackpot!  My neighbor across the street, is C@boy's nanny, and a good, long time friend.  The women next door to her are and have been fun and wonderful!  My neighbors to my left are a great family and friends who help me whenever I need it, are fun to visit with, and whose children help me in my yard.  To my right are two great men who also are willing to help out when they are asked. All I pay them is food.  Luckily, I am a great cook and baker.  All this boils down to is the fact that I am surrounded with so many people I would never trade for any kind of fence!  They are my family and I am incredibly fortunate to have them!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Being "MOM"!

There are lots of ways to be a MOM.  I have been a mom to so many people through the years.  I have been a mom to my plants, to my students, to my friends, and to my child.  Each one of them has reciprocated in some fashion.  Being a mom means that we take time to nurture those around us in a way no one else can.  In my mind, it is like tending a garden, removing each dead leaf, watering and fertilizing, and loving.  At this point, I must tell you that my beloved cat, C@boy was the second person to tell me "Happy Meother's Day" this morning, and he reminded me that I was the best mom he had ever had.  Being a mom is a sacred job, I take it very seriously.  After all, the greatest mother of all, "Mother Earth" takes care of us.  So, to all us "Mothers", Namaste, I salute that which in you is divine!   

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Think before you....

speak.  Often times we are in a hurry, in our own heads, frustrated.  Then we try to communicate with someone.   "How's that working for you?"  For me, it causes a lot of miscommunication.  Then, if it is done by phone or text and you can't read the person's body language or facial expression, it just gets worse.  What I am learning is to take a breath before I try to talk to someone.  I try to be calm and make sure I am saying what I want to say in the tone I want to use.  Things can be misconstrued so easily.  So, this week and ongoing, I am going to stop, breathe, and make sure I want to talk, and that the other person wants to listen.  That is one factor I sometimes overlook.  The other thing I want to work on is being a good listener, that is an art that takes some work.

Friday, May 8, 2015


and forgiveness were the topics of conversation with a dear woman friend and I last night.  We were discussing what affect the things that have happened in our lives has on who we are now.  I have two theories about this:  everything that has happened has made me who I am now., and some things have scarred me causing me to make some decisions that have made my life a little harder than I wanted.  I am a very strong woman, I have lived through many things that some might not have survived.  My work now, is to take the blame and shame and put it away.  It is like carrying around a big bag of cement.  I need to know that everyone in my life was always doing the best they could at the time.  Because I am so good at blaming myself, I need to first forgive myself, and then them.  I learned long ago that forgiving someone does NOT mean you condoned their behavior, it just means you are letting go of it.  After all, the forgiveness is for us.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


to your gut.  I know that there are things we really want for ourselves.  There are times when shiny objects seem right in front of our faces, and we just want to grab them.  Then our gut says, "no, I do not feel good about this!"  Every time I have ignored what my gut tells me, I have ended up in a big pile of sh*t!  Every time!  We have, within us this intelligence that will guide us if we let it.  We need to know that we can trust it, even when the shiny object presents itself.  If for no other reason than I am telling you, learn to trust your inner truth.  It will save you a lot of pain and anguish.  Isn't there enough of that as there is!?!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

It's not

always what it looks like!  Recently a friend of mine was in a store at the end of a very long day.  She was with her daughter, who was much more tired than she.  My friend had asked her daughter to wait for her in the car and rest, but, of course, the girl said she was "fine!"  So my friend started shopping for the 3 things she needed.  Of course, they were in all different places in the store.  Her daughter was dragging pretty quickly, so she suggested she go and rest in the car.  "No, I am fine." said the girl.  I will shorten the story by saying by the time they were gathering up the last grocery, the girl was not in a great mood.  Neither was the mom.  So, the mom, tired and frustrated, raised her voice at her beloved daughter, and took her to the car.  Then, she returned to finish the little bit of shopping she had left.  The employees in the area where she had been with her daughter treated her as if she was a child abuser.  Let me tell you, this women has been through a lot with this child, loves her dearly, and was wiped out herself.  What I want to say is that compassion is always better than judgement.  If a situation is dire, that is a different situation.  But, before we rush to that judgement, lets think with our hearts!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Always be

authentic.  I have had friends through the years who were whatever they needed to be.  Heck, I have been the same.  But the times I have felt the best is when I have been exactly who I was heart and soul.  We all have such goodness inside us and such unique qualities to show the world.  I wish we were given more permission, at a young age to realize this before we are put in the box.  I had a friend who was wildly creative, such a kind and wonderful person, out to conquer the world until he got stuffed in a small, tight box and there was only one way to escape.  Don't let that happen to you!  For today, and ongoing, I would like to see us celebrate our essence.  There is so much good stuff in there.  And being unique, in my opinion, is the BEST thing we can be.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Welcome Sri Lanka

You are country #40! Please come back and join us! 

Poverty and

race.  A dear friend and I have been having some lengthy discussions lately about all the violence that has been in the news.  We have been talking about what part poverty takes in the mix.  We have come to the conclusion that poverty is a powerful thing.  It takes away hope, and cuts us down to the core.  It makes us feel afraid and mad.  It makes us feel like an animal trying to get out of a cage.  I haven't been in poverty, but I have had years of going from pillar to post just trying to get by.  The reason I say I haven't been in poverty is that some way I got through it.  Many people are caught in this cycle.  It causes irrational behavior because we are trying to just get what other humans take for granted.  In many places, poverty is disproportionate in the black populations, however, many other people suffer from it, too.  The combination  of poverty, being desperate, and being treated unfairly has to be a horrible experience.  We have to start somewhere.  Money needs to be allocated to cleaning up these areas.  Minimum wage, and jobs need to be addressed.  Most of all, since we are all precious valuable citizens, we need to be treated as such.  Yes, Republicans, money can be made from all this.  People will invest time and energy when they work and live in a place they can be proud of. We MUST to invest in them, first! 

Sunday, May 3, 2015


your own pace.  It seems like my life has been either do little and be slow about it or mad frantic. Lately, though, for the most part, I have found a pace that is right for me.  It sure feels better than the alternative.  If I need to go to the store, I don't go when I am in a giant hurry, nor do I do this at the bank because inevitably, I get into the crazy line and wait while everyone else flies through theirs.  Lesson learned!  I think I do better when I am not rushing through things anyway.  I do not do a good job, and I become impatient.  That is not good for us on many levels.  So, think about what YOUR personal pace is.  Think about when it FEELS GOOD to move around.  Think about when you feel happy to do stuff.  Maybe we could alleviate some hypertension. Flow with me!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

4 for 4

I know that I am piggy backing on yesterday's post, but this is important stuff.  All my peeps are well as of today!  All my closest loved ones are feeling good!  It took me a while to get my priorities straight.  If you don't have your health, nothing else matters.  You can be young and rich, but if you have a life-threatening disease and die, the money doesn't matter except maybe you will have a lavish funeral.  So every day, I ask for health above all, for myself, those I care about, and frankly for everyone.  If you are healthy, all is possible.  So I am celebrating "4 for 4 day!"  Celebrate with me! 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Good News Friday!

Several of my close loved ones have been experiencing health issues recently.  As you know that can be frightening.  I am pleased to say that we are two for three, as you would say in baseball talk, as of this moment.  Nothing is harder for me than to see people sick. I can hold them in the light, but ultimately, it is up to.... So, today, I am having a "Gratitude a thon" for these dear ones, and all who are recovering.  I am also shining the light on all those who are dealing with any sort of health issue.  I have been there.  Let's ALL stop for a moment and wrap them in light, and don't forget to put ourselves in there, too!.