Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, April 30, 2015

More from C@boy!

C@boy is pleased to announce that he is nearly done writing his first book!  Yes, he has another one planned.  There will be some editing and illustrating, along with other chores associated with publishing.  I think he will need my help with some of that.  We are both very excited!  More news as things progress.  Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

So glad to see you China!

Stay with us!

C@boy says...

I realize you haven't heard from C@boy for a while.  He has been doing his spring ritual, shedding, watching cat and bird T.V. from his window and jumping up on the high furniture to get into the living room window.  He is in great shape, shiny and happy!  Love that!  What he wanted to talk to you about is getting a pet.  As a rescue pet, he wants you to know that there are so many wonderful animals who need a home.  He wants you to consider one of these animals for your home.  He tells me that he doesn't know if he would be here without us.  I think he has the right idea.  All of our pets have been rescue animals.  I think they love you more for giving them a second chance!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Thank you!

Thank-you media for showing peaceful protests in Baltimore!  Thank-you young citizens for holding that peaceful protest today.  Keep it up!  "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me!"


I had a hard time sleeping last night.  Visions of burning cars and looting were filling my head, along with thoughts of people being physically hurt.  I am  angry at the media for not showing all the people who were protesting peacefully, but I guess violence is the news.  I know that everyone now must know about all the injustice happening around the killings of so many young black males.  The news show enumerated a long list of these horrible acts last night.  We cannot turn our heads and ignore this any longer.  The thing we must know is that all the violence just makes more violence.  It is never the answer.  I also know how hard it is to control yourself when you are angry and scared.  Somehow we must look to people like Gandhi and Martin Luther King for answers to this or their lives will have be lived in vain.  We need to practice the life we want for everyone else to have.  This will not be easy, but it is what has to be!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Here is a question

How can we expect justice to prevail when justice is not just?   Peacefully is the only way.

Update, Schmupdate!

Here is a another reason to believe I am not a 20 something!  When I read "update"  it strikes fear in my heart!  My poor old dinosauer laptop goes so floopy when I get an update, it takes days for me to undo 1/2 of it so I can actually USE the computer.  I have a much newer phone.  I call it my phablet.  It is so big, but I have gotten used to it and love all the things I can do on it.  So I was feeling sooooooo  good that I could actually use so many of the apps!!!! Then came the EVIL UPDATE.  I managed to put my man on the "auto reject" list because they changed the order of how you delete previous calls.  He had to call my neighbor to bang on my door and see if I was dead.  Thankfully, I am not.  The good news is, I figured out how to reverse it.  I know just enough to.....  So, here's to the EVIL UPDATES.  I plan to be able to navigate them OR ELSE.  What did we do without these??????

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Take time to

play.  I realize that with 39 countries, it may not be the weekend today, but I want all of us to take some time to have fun and laugh between our work days. Actually, it would be good to sprinkle a little fun throughout the week to lighten everything up.  It seems like everything is so serious all the time.  I personally am better at doing the things I have to do when I have let myself have some fun.  So, for today, go out and breathe, get a walk, act silly, and be a child.  You won't regret it and it just might become a new habit!

Friday, April 24, 2015

The only thing I can fix...

is myself.  It has taken me years to really take this to heart.  It is a continuing labor for me.  But there is a saying "you can't beat a dead horse!" and no truer words have been written.  So, I will fix myself to the best of my ability and send white light to those I really want to "Fix."  I am learning that putting my energy on becoming a better person and replacing old habits with new ones lifts me up.  Maybe another will take a page from this, but, it is up to them to do what is helpful for them. Letting go is a gift for everyone!

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Who is worthy?  When I was little, I was told that we were all loved and perfect.  As I got older, I was told to be good or I would go to hell. Boy, was that confusing!  But the fact that we are all loved and perfect is inside each and every one of us.  Why is it then, that we can't realize we are all one and a tiny micro chasm of the world? A good friend of mine, who lives in a very conservative state, relayed this story to me.  A young person who goes to a junior high in his town is transgender.  Many adults are making a big fuss about it.  However, the students who have attended school with this person from kindergarten, celebrate who the person is and accept who they are.  Two things come to mind:  I am so proud of them and their parents for raising children who see what is real.  The second thing is the world is changing, many more people are being accepted for who they are.  The world is not changing fast enough for me.  We still have such a long way to go, but it is happening and nothing will stop it! Hooray for that!  Everything and everyone is sacred.  Don't forget it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What is today?

Today is all we have.  Actually, this very second is all we have.  We can think about the future, we can plan for things, but the only moment we have is now and the next moment is what is coming.  I am not very good at staying in the moment some times.  Other times, I seem to do O K at it.  Learning to be in the moment, or being present is one of the best gifts we can give ourselves.  It takes away so much stress over something we really cannot control and puts all our attention on the things right in front of us.  I am a work in progress over this, but I can tell you that my life is much easier, richer, and more clear, when I devote myself to "being here now," as Ram Dass suggested. The world would be a better place if we could just make this ONE habit.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hold him in the light

The man who I love dearly is having some health problems.  As we all know there are side effects to anything a person takes.  Please hold him in the light so that there will be a good resolution to this situation.  I greatly appreciate your doing this and I will reciprocate for your loved ones. Thank you!

Monday, April 20, 2015

She said...

he heard.  Communication is a funny thing.  Maybe I should have said a "peculiar" thing.  We can think we are being as clear as can be, and the other person "hears" or "reads" something else into it.  Recently, a dear male friend of mine and I have been having this difficulty.  This is the reason I hate to leave messages on the phone, or even text when there is a male involved.  I am not saying this is always the case, but when there is face-to-face communication, at least there is a chance that what is being said will be understood.  I don't know if it is the timing of listening to the messages, but I do know that a person's filters have a lot to do with what they "hear."  What I want to say is that a person needs to clarify what they THOUGHT they heard before jumping to a conclusion.  It wears on a friendship, and this one is precious to me.  So, if something you read or hear on a message pisses you off, please think about asking the person face-to-face before making a decision you might regret!

Sunday, April 19, 2015


We have gone over 600 posts today.  Maybe my brain will run out of things to say!  Not likely!  Thanks for joining me!  It has been a true pleasure!

Driving while...

happy!  As time has gone on, I try not to multi-task too much.  I feel it robs me of the thing I am experiencing.  I want to see and feel and do a good job on everything I do.  So when I drive, as much as I can, I just pay attention to what is around me (and there is soooo much beauty) and sing my favorite songs.  I find that my heart swells up and my whole being becomes one with the experience.  I don't understand how anyone can text, nothing is so important that you can't wait until you are stopped at the store or wherever.  I don't suppose you remember when we didn't have cell phones, maybe not, but we all still managed to live our lives just fine.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


 Well, I guess I can count how many of us like to be sick on less than one finger.  Right now, he is holding his own, and even seems a little frisky, but during the early morning hours, I awoke to fierce puking noises right beside my bed.  It was our beloved C@boy!  He proceeded to do that same thing in every room of the house.  Hope you have had breakfast!  This went on for about 2 hours.  So I gave him the medicine I always give him, held him in the light, and followed him around, cleaning as I went.  This week, I started to wake up my body with a cleanse.  Good Idea except, I have been sick for 3 days! You must know that I NEVER GET SICK!!!  So, I am a little intolerant of feeling like crap.  The good news is that C@BOY seems just like his old self today.  The bad news is that if I sneeze one more time, I just might let an unladylike word fly.  Hold us in the light today and we will do the same for you!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Whose fault is it?

I have been thinking lately about finding fault.  I am certainly good at finding it in myself.  Sometimes it even feels good to find it in others.  At least I am not alone in being a flawed human being, right?  Then there is the other side of the coin.  What good does it do to find fault in ourselves, or others?  It probably doesn't change them.  I guess it works for ourselves as long as we are accepting  that certain things need to change, and then make the changes.  But on the whole, I think acceptance is a better way to go.  We are, as you know on this earth school to learn to be better humans.  So the next time I think of "finding fault,"  maybe I will find goodness and celebrate that!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Are you wrinkled?

    Be someone's soft place to land.  I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this.  I think it is essential to have a human pillow when you need one.  Life moves so fast and it seems as if human contact is way down the list.  I, for one, cannot go without it for too long.  It is a connection that is hard, if not impossible to go without.  So for today, think about how much you appreciate your "soft place to land," and be that for someone else.  It tends to smooth out a lot of wrinkles in life. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Like minds

I had the fortune to meet a new friend yesterday.  She is brilliant and wonderful and she "gets" me.  We are simpatico. When I met her, I knew I was "home!"  That's what the feeling is when you find someone who is like you.  I have always been different, and for many years, although I didn't alter my ways, I felt like I should just to fit in.  Then, on the off occasion I did try to fit in, it felt like I was wearing my shoes on the wrong feet!  I did that once by accident.  Strange!  What I am trying to say is that at this place in my life, and for a while, I have been celebrating myself.  How many of us do that?!  It is wonderful to just be me and be happy with that!  I wish we were able to learn about loving and accepting ourselves at an early age.  Think of the therapy we would save.  So, today and forward, celebrate yourself!  Then go out and get friends who are just like you!  Life could use some more texture anyway.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ebb and Flow

Some people are stuck on the great expectation path.  This is not to say we shouldn't have these thoughts, but, life gets bumpy pretty predictably. I know we need a plan, but we also need to develop flexibility with things.  Some of the best things I have planned have changed and turned into even more wonderful things.  Then there is the vice-verse.  What I am trying to say is sometimes it is o.k. to let life happen and not be holding on to something with white knuckles.  I am writing a book and stopped because I didn't know how I would be able to afford the costs of publishing.  Yesterday a couple of friends I was talking to about it gave me some ideas of how I could make this happen.  Two things:  Anything is possible, and if you run into a block in the road, veer in another direction.  Life is unpredictable, but we are a lot more resourceful than we think.

Monday, April 13, 2015

I wonder...

I remember as a little kid how almost everything was so cool.  I will admit, I got to go to Yellowstone, and travel a bit with camping.  I also got to see the Beatles in person at the Cow Palace in San Francisco.  Those were amazing times.  But I also remember going to the beach and finding little tiny shells in the sand and laying there just listening to the waves while the sun was shining down on me.  It is years later, and I don't have near the adventures I had when I was young, but I still find wonder in the smallest of things.  I am out in the winter, digging under the snow to find the beginning shoots of the coming crocus.  I still love to close my eyes and stand in the rain, listening to the sounds of it and taking in the smell of clean air.  I pay lots more attention to the "little" things than I used to.  It makes life interesting when it might not otherwise be.  Get small with me and enjoy the wonder of life, won't you?!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

What is your....

happy ending?  Sometimes I think we are so busy being busy with life we don't give much thought to this.  We get nowhere without a plan.  What do you really believe is your happy ending?  The things we think about the most are what we make with our energy and attention.  What do you put your energy and attention on most?  I for one am making a new list of what I want for my happy ending.  I plan on getting it.  Join me!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Welcome back U.A.E.!

We are glad to see you again!

My new alarms

I don't like the name alarm.  It sounds,,,alarming.  But in the spring, my alarms are so nice.  First, there is the light, second a chorus of happy birds, and today, all my wind chimes are chiming.  It is a beautiful sunny day and I dare a cloud to show it's fluffy face.  Pony tail day, folks.  Enjoy it and don't get blown away!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Leering v.s. Looking

When does looking become leering?  It becomes leering when it becomes harassment and devaluation of a woman.  Where do we draw the line?  If you are a woman, you can tell the difference.  If you are a man, think about it!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Learn to

listen.  Have you ever noticed that we always seem to have something to say?  Personally, I find myself, many times, thinking about what I am about to say next, rather than being in the moment and just listening to the person talking.  Perhaps it is because we sometimes have so little time to talk to someone, but it weakens the communication.  I have to try hard to be in that moment, but when I am, I feel better about it.  Indeed, the other person may, and usually does have something as important to say.  So for today, and tomorrow, I am going to really listen to the person talking to me.  It is good for me and them!  Are you listening?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


I love spring.  Life is renewing, everything is green.  The sky has gone from that pale winter blue to a darker blue.  I need to rake and clean up all the messes I left in the fall in preparation for all the newness.  It is my favorite season because it is so much like life.  It is a trick-bag!  One day, it is 60 degrees and sunny, the next day it snows and is barely 40.  It may rain for 5 days, then be nice for 3.  Some days it is so windy, I wear a hat or a ponytail so as not be eating a mouthful of hair when I am out and about.  Ah, spring, a metaphor for life. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What? Really?!

So my wonderful neighbor came over to use my laptop.  I was glad to help out!  The problem was that my laptop has a mind of it's own and would not work for her. :( Here comes the other part.  When I got the laptop back, all of a sudden, I could post again.  I am sad for my friend, but there might be a lesson here.  When we do something nice for someone, many, if not all of the times, something good bounces back to us!  Bounce with me, ok?!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Batter up!!

If there is one thing I like better than college basketball, it is BASEBALL!  Actually, I love them both about the same, but the change between the two sports is always refreshing.  If you had told me that I would be watching sports continually during the year when I was young, I would have told you that you were CRA CRA!  But here we are!  I watched some of the Cactus League, but it hardly shows me much.  I just find out how many new player's names I have to learn.  It also lets me know that I will spend more time outside, sometimes with my phone tuned in to the game.  It tells me that it is time to switch gears, get out the scrubber and wash off the rust and get fully involved in life again.  The martial arts start in the park and I am ready to kick some ....  Where is your spring taking you?  Take a deep breath, and get out there.  We'll probably see each other.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Ask for what you want

Thoughts are energy.  All thoughts are energy.  This means that the energy goes out into the universe and creates things.  So when I have bad or negative thoughts, I usually reap what I send out.  BOO!  Conversely, when I hold a good thought and ask for an answer to something, I get that too!  This is not to say I get everything I ask for, but I always ask for what I need to be a good person and have a good life.  Sometimes, my patience is tested.  Other times I get something and go "WHAT?"  9 times out of 10, I get exactly what I need in the time I need it.  Do I want more?  Sure.  But if I keep my mind in the right place, it will be here, guaranteed.  I just have to keep the negative stuff at bay and give ALL my energy to the good stuff.  Want to join me?  The good stuff shows up faster if lots of us send THAT energy out!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Your dream may take some time... .

don't give up!  I have been a "writer" all my life.  When I was very young, I wrote very short stories.  They were mostly about my Teddy Bears, because I didn't like dolls.  Then, in school, I started to write poetry.  I wrote poetry in elementary through high school and was even in a poetry club and submitted some of my poetry to magazines.  Then, after that I would journal and sketch.  I stopped doing this for many years, I am not sure why.  People would say "why not write a book?"  I didn't.  Then, in 2013 I started this blog.  I have written 585 blogs since then and I am FINALLY writing a book.  At this point in my life, I have 5 or 6 books I want to write floating around in my head.  The book I am HELPING write now is by C@boy.  It is a story of his life and all the crazy things that have gotten him to the ripe old age of 19.  He even lived with a 100 lb. red wolf who turned out to be his best friend.  Anyway, figure out your dreams, if you are passionate about them, be patient, but also pursue them.  I am happier now than I have been for a while, because that is exactly what I am doing!  I am also learning lessons in patience, I need those! NOW!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Gov. Mike Pence:  How does it feel to be up to your ears in shit??? (Sorry, had to spell the whole word)  I can assure you that there will be few people trying to shovel you out!  I thank you for creating the "tsunami!"  No one will miss what you are trying to do, and nearly everyone is appalled!  SHAME ON YOU!!!

Under the guise

As you probably know, I do not talk about religion.  Today I am making an exception.  What I will say about it is it IMPLIES kindness and concern for all.  So when I started hearing about the "Religious Freedom Act, I thought, great!  Wow! That was a giant mistake!  The reason I seldom if ever talk about religion is in my mind I hear hypocrisy. So many things are done by "religious people."  So many bad things, including this "RFA," are not designed to help people, but to keep people's small minds occupied.  They are to disrupt all the gains we have made in the world with respect to fair treatment of all.  I think I learned when I was young, that a certain someone "loved the little children,  all the children of the world,  red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in HIS sight," ...  Then come the people who discriminate in the name of religion, they kill in the name of religion.  Gee, I wonder why I have such cynicism over all of this. I certainly would rather feel otherwise.