Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The only way to have

peace in your life is to invite it. Peace starts with us, each and every one making that choice.  How do we do this?  I can only tell you what I am starting to do.  First, I watch much less news as that riles me up and makes me feel angry and helpless.  Second, I speak much less about all the chaos, because it hurts my heart that so many bad things happen with no consequences. Then, I take as many deep breaths as it takes to calm myself.  I think about all the good things and feel gratitude.  I wrap everything in light.  The darkness cannot live in the light.  Lastly, I imaging everything working out in the best way.  This gives me ideas of what my part is in making the changes needed to send a ripple of love through the world.  The answer is to let myself get quiet and calm.  Peace comes from quiet reflection. Peace comes from looking to our hearts for the only REAL thing, love.  Join me, each day in reflecting on this.  We can change the world, together.

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