Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, December 10, 2015

There just isn't enough

laughter in the world.  Have you noticed?  When is the last time you laughed and laughed?  When is the last time you were with people who found humor in most everything?  I was at one of my classes last night with this woman who had the best laugh in the world.  When she laughed, her whole body and soul was there with it.  It was so wonderful.  It made me feel so good and it made me laugh.  I let go of everything, it was pure joy.  If you have the opportunity to be in the company of this type of person, grab it!  Humor heals all sorts of maladies.  Find a way to get lots of humor in your life.  I will make sure I do the same!

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