Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Lessons from a pumpkin

Yes, it is true!  I get lessons from EVERYTHING, even my daughter's mini-pumpkin.  Every year, since my daughter was very young, I have gotten her a mini-pumpkin for Halloween.  It has become a long tradition.  Even though she is grown, she still looks forward to it.  Some years, we decorate it.  Many years, we have not.  This year, we found a tiny white one.  It was the smallest one in the basket.  I knew I had to rescue it.  When a pumpkin is no more that 2 inches by maybe 1, it is the cutest little thing.  They usually last until they start to rot, then are ceremoniously sent to the garbage.  This year, however, we decided to just let "Punky" live out her life another way.  She is still with us, much smaller, shrunken and wrinkled, but still giving us joy that we didn't dispose of her.  There is a lesson in this and I leave it up to you to find it!

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