Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

It's O.K. to ask

 questions about things.  It is O.K. to get the information you need for a multitude of things.  I grew up thinking that if I had to ask questions about things, I hadn't been listening, or I was stupid for not knowing.  NOT!  What I I have found out, a little late, is that asking questions is smart.  Questioning things is smart.  Years ago, I had a rehab on my house.  I was working, going to school, and had a family to take care of.  The rehab was happening through all of this.  It was all I could do to just keep everyone and thing going.  I did not ask very many questions, nor did I pay really good attention to what was going on. BIG MISTAKE!  I have since learned that even when that small voice tells me "you should know that,"  I can ask, ask, ask.  Things will turn out much better and it will allow the person you are questioning to know you are "ON IT!"  So the next time you wonder about something, get some answers.  You will be all the better for it.

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