Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Look for the light!

In many places it is winter.  We are just getting started on it, and because of global warming, we have had quite the mix.  We have had some snow, very cold temperatures, accompanied with sun, and a pretty bad windstorm.  So far, we have managed to get through it, but it makes me wonder why we don't pay more attention to OUR part of helping the environment. I know recycling helps, and using our cars less, but I guess I don't know enough.  So today, I will check out what more I can do to help.  Maybe we could all take a minute and find one thing we could consistently do that we don't do already.  C@boy wants to remind us that we can make our own sunshine during these long dark months by petting and giving extra care to our beloved pets.  They give light freely!

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