Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Leave the door open...

even if it is just a crack.  This is the time of year when people get depressed.  It could come from the lack of light, lack of family, lack of self, or past experiences.  I have a friend who is really down.  She is in a place where she can't find the light at all.  It seems as if she doesn't think there is any light anywhere.  I have been there more than once.  It is a horrible place to be.  I was talking to my friend for a long time last night, listening to a dear friend, so enclosed in the darkness.  I don't know if she wants to or can get out.  I have been there.  My dearest sister and friend alternately listened and kicked my butt, so I will do that for my friend when she is ready.  All I asked her to do was to leave the door open, even if it is just a crack.  If that is what you need to do, take a page.  It will be o.k., I promise!

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