Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, August 22, 2014

Watch out for shiny packages!

I don't like to dwell on politics.  It is a messy business full of lies and deceit.  But the thing I like worse is someone telling me something I want to hear, in a seemingly heartfelt way, who is just lying through their teeth.  One party, who does everything to desecrate education is now running a slick ad about how much education means for everyone.  I have to say, it drew me in at first, and I am not easily duped.  The ad is lengthy and is followed shortly by an ad about everyone needing to be employed, and how important it is to have a job,  I agree, they even show minorities working.  These are the people who would not extend unemployment, send jobs away, and could care less about our minority population.  REALLY!!!  Still, I am charging you, no matter where you live, to pay attention to what you are being fed by the media.  This party owns most of the media in this country. I do not know if you have the same situation.  It is so true that we all need to be educated and have jobs.  Everyone deserves that opportunity, but we need to figure out who is talking out of both sides of their mouth before we vote them into power.  Our kids are hanging in the balance.  Make a ripple, really pay attention, see what happens.

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