Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"The energiser Bunnies"

I awoke, this morning to the rambunctious sounds of my neighbor boys and their dogs.  Well, they have one loud dog and a pitty who is as sweet and quiet as they get.  Yes, I said a pit bull. What a baby!  But I digress... What I noticed, besides my sleep being disrupted, is the sheer joy these kids have and how that is translated into sheer energy.  Don't you sometimes wish you could go to the "Energy Store" and buy a gallon of that?!  Well, even at my age, I have found that if I can live in joy and gratitude and try to see the humor in everyday life, there is the bonus of feeling energised, no batteries needed! Make a ripple, be joyful, see what happens.

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