Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The learning curve

It was a toss up today between a meditation on Catboy's cat box and school. They both have a distinct learning curve, but school won out by a page.  It is that time of year, again.  Lots of stores have been hawking school supplies since the 5th of July, (that seems a little like overkill if you ask me, let the kid have some summer!) But, nevertheless here it is.  If you work in the school district, it is a mixture of excitement and dread.  Come to think of it, that is how most of the students feel. Then, there are some of us who would give their left #^# to be going back.  (That would be me!)  It is a good thing we all have this earth school to learn in.  It will feel good to get back and be serious about learning and experiencing some new things, after this rather lazy summer.  Make a ripple, dust off your brain, see what happens.

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