Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Your choice

Yesterday, I spent the 3rd through the 7th inning of our baseball game out weed whacking and mowing the back yard.  It is not something I relish, but the grass was so long, I wouldn't be able to get the push mower through it if I didn't.  I often fight with myself about conveniences versus good old muscle.  The weed whacker seems to be "Man's best friend."  You seldom see a man without a smile on his face when he is doing this.  Personally, they just throw me around and I am sore the next day.  I have to admit, though, they seem to get the job done, except one thing.. They just cut off the top of things where my trusty shovel at least attempts to remove the root. I guess they both have their place, but I get such satisfaction knowing it might take 2-3 weeks for that pesky plant to return, instead of seeing it in 3-4 days, back in all it's glory.  It seems to be the same with life, cut the top off something for instant, but short lived relief, or take time to try and dig it out.  Make a ripple, choose your method, see what happens.  PS, we lost ;(

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