Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, May 23, 2014

Every age has a gift.

I think sometimes we get so busy, we lose track of this fact.  For many years, I have had friends both many years younger, and many years older.  This is not to say that I don't have friends my own age, but I have as many, or more who are not.  Each one of them has such a unique perspective to bring to the table.  I have probably learned my most important lessons from a person who has mental challenges.  But I learn things from my neighbor's two little boys all the time.  They show me the wonder of the smallest things and that a person can be happy picking up pine cones.  My point is, I hope we never allow ourselves to get stuck in one situation and that we do allow all our teachers to manifest in our lives because that is where the richness and essence of living lies.  Make a ripple, learn from everyone, see what happens.

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