Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Take a deep breath

Then move on.  Life can be frustrating.  You get cut off on the street, someone crosses over you into a completely different lane.  You are going the speed limit, for once, and someone tries to crawl up the back of your vehicle, you are in the store, and someone scoots in front of you in line, you have two things, they have 10.  Sound familiar?  There are two ways this can play out. We can silently cuss them out, or rant to ourselves about being in a hurry and aren't they rude, or we can give ourselves the gift of a deep breath, and continue on.  Life moves at such a pace sometimes, it is difficult to feel balanced, unless we practice diligently. The good news, is if we can get good at this, we probably will live to see another day and maybe we will notice the beauty and goodness around us.  Make a ripple, breathe in, breathe out, see what happens. 

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