Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Our Families

I just got off the phone with a dear friend who is experiencing problems with their family.  It seems as if this is an epidemic around here, with more friends having similar problems.  Someone is going around the bend because of dementia, another is having severe mental problems.  Families are complicated.  Some people don't really have families, others, mostly extended.  One thing for sure is that sometimes they feel like a blessing and sometimes they feel like a curse.  I hear someone say, "I'm just like my dad, (mom.)  Then in the same breath, they will talk about how they dislike the parent they are like.  What I am learning, is just like everything, you have to take the good with the bad, the calm with the struggle, the shining moments with the dark clouds.  This is your blood.  Make a ripple, flow with it, see what happens.

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