Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, May 8, 2014

"All we have...

is love."  The Beatles nailed it.  The only other thing we have is now.  I got a text from my wonderful, strong, sister-friend who has just fought the battle of her life against cancer. Her numbers are way down, and things look as good as they possibly could.  She reminded me, tho, that the cancer was a bad one (as they all are), and remission is not 100%.  What I know, and she knows and we all should know is that in reality we all will die, not one of us will escape this fate, but we do have the precious now and that is really all anyone has.  It is what we do with each minute and second that counts. I know for one, I will celebrate every second I have with my dear friend, but also, every breath I am privileged to take. Make a ripple, live in gratitude, see what happens. 

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