Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, May 5, 2014

It's O.K. if you don't know...

just tell me.  Someone I love very much is in the hospital, starting today to go through some neurological testing. This has been an ongoing situation for her entire life.  Doctors can do some wonderful things, but they don't know everything!! For once, I would love to have someone tell me they don't know what is going on instead of just throwing medication at it.  70-80% of neurological disorders are unable to be diagnosed.  Nothing would make me happier than for this to be resolved in some way.  She would certainly have a better quality of life if this could happen.  We don't always think of people in these situations, so for today, maybe you could hold her in the light with me.  Know that there are many others in this situation, too.  Make a ripple, think of them, see what happens.

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