Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, May 25, 2014

I can't hear you.

Every morning, I look out my den window through the lace curtains at the morning weather.  I am taking pictures through the lace of a beautiful magnolia tree and all the trees blooming into summer.  This morning, I noticed that it is windy.  It made me wonder, since I couldn't hear it, what it would be like to be deaf. A very dear friend of mine is deaf. This is probably the first time I have considered the impact of being unable to hear things.  When you think about it, life would be much different if it were quiet all the time.  I try to imagine what that would be like, and can come up with nothing but lots of questions.  She is working on her Master's and has written several papers on the deaf community.  I feel as if I need to talk to her about all these things and educate myself on a population I know so little about.  We go along our merry way so much of the time, maybe it would be good to see how other's live.  It may impact us in ways we might not expect.  Make a ripple, check it out, see what happens.

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