Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, May 9, 2014

They went the extra mile!

This is another post about some special people who took very good care of me recently.  Their names are Rok, Bree, and Lexi and they work at an outlet store which sells cell phones. (say that fast 5 times:))  I found myself needing to purchase a new cell phone and it is at least as scary to me as getting a physical.  So with my old phone and a lot of anxiety, I went to the store.  I was greeted warmly by Rok and Bree (Lexi wasn't there yet) and they painstakingly took me through all the phones and reasons to buy certain ones and not others based on my needs.  When I tell you this took some time, I mean it.  I had several things I needed to do and they just stuck with me.  I thanked Rok for spending so much time with me and he said that customer service was the most important part of his job.  That really touched me.  You seldom find people who are not just in a hurry to shove you out the door.  Bree helped me find out that there had been a problem on my account and how to fix it, then Lexi made sure I got the case for my phone giving me a nice discount to purchase it.  I hope their manager, boss, company, appreciate what fine employees they are. These people are parents and I know their children will be raised with good work ethic.  I will go up there again, I will pass out cards, and I will fondly remember what great humans they are.  Make a ripple, take a page, see what happens.

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