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Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, May 19, 2014

M and M's

No, I am not talking about the candy, although I do really like the raspberry and cherry M & M's  that come out occasionally.  This is about merging and monopolizing. To me, merging can be a good thing.  People "merge" to form bonds, companies merge to create a bigger, better, company.  What I don't like is any kind of monopoly. Specifically, the monopoly which has taken over our media. One side of anything taking over the other is never good!  One opinion being given out to the exclusion of  other's is never good. It used to be that one could find "news" in many places. Now, a person has to diligently look for it. It is not news if it is the same thing being repeated over and over ad nauseum.  I want to know that we are smart enough to continue to look for unbiased information wherever we can find it instead of sitting in front of the "eye" absorbing all this nonsense.  Make a ripple, Pay attention! see what happens.

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