Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

If you expect it...

It will come.  Yesterday, I went to see my dear friend at the hospital.  These folks were exceptional with her.  Just before I left, I had been talking to her and the nurse about the service dogs who come into the hospital.  Her eyes lit up, especially when the nurse mentioned that she thought they might have "pug" service dogs, who are her favorite breed.  I needed to use the little girls room down the hall, but before I left, I told her I would bring back a pug.  I fully intended, as crazy as it seems, to do that not knowing how I would do it.  When I arrived at my destination, there was my friend Sherri, who I seldom see, with a 100 lb. Akita.( Not your average pug!) It turns out that she owns a service dog who visits the hospital 2 times a month.  I'd say, "what are the odds?", but you can figure that out for yourself. I truly believe that if we believe something strongly enough and expect it fiercely, it will happen.  All I wanted to do was make my friend laugh and feel happy, and there it was.  Make a ripple, live with intention, see what happens.

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