Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Super Hero's

Remember when you were young?  Did you have a super-hero? Or maybe several super-hero's?  I had two when I was little.  One was a cartoon, the other, my mom.  Neither of them could do wrong and both of them were full of energy, got everything done perfectly, and saved the world all at the same time.  There was a time when I thought I was a super-hero.  I went to school, held 3 jobs, had a family, and all the things we do.  Fast forward #%^&  years...  Things have slowed down a bit and while I still fancy myself a super-hero, it is for other things like being kind, thinking of other's, and trying to change the world for the better.  I no longer run myself ragged, but I still have those times when I forget to take care of myself.  We can't be super-hero's if we don't do that first.  So this is just a gentle reminder that we need to pay attention to our own needs every day, too.  Then we won't run out of our super powers.  Make a ripple, recharge, see what happens.

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