Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pay it forward

A good friend of mine was telling me about a couple of things that happened to her last week that made her feel really good.  The first thing was someone in the drive-thru of a restaurant had actually paid for her food.  The second thing is someone bought a bagel for another in the bakery where she works.  Think of how we feel when someone smiles at us.  Then think of what happens when they make this kind of gesture.  It creates a RIPPLE EFFECT!  Yeah!  It takes very little time to do something like this and there are plenty of ways to pay something forward that don't cost anything.  Return of any kind of kindness shown is also paying it forward.  Consider what an impact just this one tiny act, done by all of us would cause.  Make a ripple, MAKE A RIPPLE, see what happens! 

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