Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Take care of your...

plants.  This morning, I woke up to a beautiful blooming purple violet.  I was given this plant as a gift a few months ago.  It was covered with violets and it reminded me of the good times I had with my grama.  She had an entry way that was lined on both sides with every color and type of African Violet you can imagine.  They were white, pink, purple, double and single blooms, the whole deal.  I loved them and thought they were really faeries.  So when I got the plant, I had two feelings: remembrance, and the fear I would kill it!  The blooms dropped off quickly.  Crap!  I found out later it was because my kitchen is not very warm.  But I was determined to keep this plant alive and put it in a special place just above my sink.  Every day I would talk to it and check if it needed watering.  They are a little fussy, and you can't get their leaves wet. All that persistence paid off, today I have 5 clusters of buds and 2 that have actually opened.  I wonder what would happen if I treated myself in such a loving way?  Maybe I will give it a try!

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