Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, May 8, 2015


and forgiveness were the topics of conversation with a dear woman friend and I last night.  We were discussing what affect the things that have happened in our lives has on who we are now.  I have two theories about this:  everything that has happened has made me who I am now., and some things have scarred me causing me to make some decisions that have made my life a little harder than I wanted.  I am a very strong woman, I have lived through many things that some might not have survived.  My work now, is to take the blame and shame and put it away.  It is like carrying around a big bag of cement.  I need to know that everyone in my life was always doing the best they could at the time.  Because I am so good at blaming myself, I need to first forgive myself, and then them.  I learned long ago that forgiving someone does NOT mean you condoned their behavior, it just means you are letting go of it.  After all, the forgiveness is for us.

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