Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, May 29, 2015


Last evening, a friend and I met for dinner.  It was beautiful , yet a little windy.  There were a few dark clouds in the sky, and as we walked in to the restaurant, we were commenting about the fact that it might storm.  When we were through eating, we decided to take a walk.  The wind had come up and the sky was getting dark, but we decided to walk, anyway.  It was a great walk, and we watched as it got windier, and darker.  We both love storms!  By the time we got back to the car, we had a full blown rain storm with thunder and lightening.  We sat in the car and talked about life, and our situations. It seems to me that I have always looked forward to the storms. I revel in the darkness, mixed with the lightening, and the noise of the thunder.  I guess I know that the storm will always pass, but it made me think of my life. Maybe I secretly love the storms in it too, because they shake things up, and eventually, the sun must show itself.  Just a thought.  

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