Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Just a thought...

A good friend and I were talking about life in general, yesterday.  We were talking about things we wished were different, and maybe what our hand was in it.  Then my friend started pointing out some things that were pretty nice.  I had to agree, tho, I wanted more.  It doesn't seem today, that we use the phrase, "being content."  I don't think many people know about it or are taught about it.  It is always, something more.  As I was driving my friend home, we stopped by another friend's house so she could pick something up.  It is in an area I love in town, really peaceful, and some of the ones who live there have gardens in their front yards, it is sort of a throw back to the 70's feeling.  It was like breathing different air. So, I came home and thought about that brief feeling of just being content. It felt really good, and I am going to work on having that feeling a lot more often.  Want to join me?

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