Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, May 14, 2015

In every moment...

we have a choice.  Sometimes, we question where we are and how we got to this place.  Usually, when this happens, we are questioning outcomes that are less than we had hoped for.  We need to know that in every moment, we have the chance to make a different choice.  I know that all our previous moments lead us up to who we have become, but, if we want something different, we can find a way to get it.  This can be pretty hard, but we all have that little fire inside us that we can access.  Sometimes, we need to ask for help.  I am not so good at that, but when I need it, I ask.  Our moments are so precious, don't we owe it to ourselves to make the best of each and every one ?!

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