Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Just this morning, a good friend of mine spent, I don't know how much time trying to find out about his debit card being hacked.  He is generally very careful and only uses it at certain times.  I have been through this.  Many of us rely on a debit card for most, if not all of our purchases,  however, I am wondering if taking the time to write an old fashioned check might be the way to go, or to carry cash.  I feel for the people at the stores who have to write down all the information when we write a check, and sometimes carrying a wad of cash is not possible.  So, here we are again.  The crooks are getting smarter!  We need to find a way to outsmart them!  In the meantime, you know the drill, 7-10 business days! ;(

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