Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, June 12, 2014

What was I thinking?!

It's a fact.  Whatever I think about the most happens.  Sometimes this is the best thing in the world, but, sometimes, I create the "L" I never want to see.  I don't know about you, but my thoughts get stuck in a loop sometimes, and it is usually when I am down.  It feels as if I can't stop these thoughts at times.  Lately, and for a while, I am doing something about that by replacing them with something lovely.  It truly works. Old habits are frequently hard to break, and somewhat painful, but breaking this one and replacing it with thoughts of what I really want in my life, has made a huge difference.  Think about what you really want.  Then tenaciously hold THAT thought.  If something else comes into your mind, say "cancel" and replace it.  Make a ripple, clear your mind, see what happens. 

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