Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Three things I have learned in 72 hours

I have to say, I have missed you.  Even though it has only been a day and a half, the connection I feel with you has a life of it's own.  So I am glad to be back!  I did, however get to experience beautiful land, wonderful mountains and rivers, including the Missouri River.  I also got to experience the strong bonds between  a mother and daughters who have been separated  for about 9 months.  When you have been separated due to certain circumstances, the love and affection that has always been there has gone to sleep, but wakes up quickly!  I am tired, but I am back and all the better for it!  I am renewed and feeling joyful for the experience.  Make a ripple, get away, if you can, see what happens.  See you tomorrow morning!

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