Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Don't cut what can be untied

I don't know about you, but when I am mad or hurt or both, I just want to be done with the person or situation causing this.  Sometimes, it is just easier to let go completely rather than to allow, or take the time to fix it.  The problem of being done, is that I might be losing something worthwhile.  I believe the saying goes: " Cutting off your nose despite your face."  Another way of looking at this is to ask myself, would I want someone to do that to me.  Generally, the answer is "no." I guess this all comes down to being patient and treating a situation or person the way I want to be treated and realizing there is good in everything (mostly.) Make a ripple, think it over, see what happens.

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