Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, June 20, 2014

"First, do no harm..."

I am suggesting, today, that we all should live by this oath.  It appears that certain people feel our rights should be taken away unless we are rich and corporate.  What causes harm? Does it harm us to have our voting rights suppressed?  Does it harm us not to be able to be in charge of our own female bodies?  Who is telling males what they can do with their bodies?  That would be no one.  Does it help hard working immigrants to keep them from being citizens of the country they work so hard in?  How can anyone with a conscience want to make things worse, to treat people like dirt ?  I really don't get how anyone can do these things and sleep at night.  Maybe we should pay them a low wage and take away their rights. Make a ripple, stand for all, see what happens. 

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