Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The rhythm and texture of life

I don't know about you, but life sure becomes a swirl sometimes.  We get so busy being in the busyness of life, we miss some important stuff.  We hope  to be evolving, but, sometimes, it feels like "de volving." (My word)  When we don't stop and breathe and notice things, it hurts us as humans.  I know it is against our nature to stop, but I think that is why we are where we are now.  Who are you?  Is all that is attached to that what you do?  Life is so rich if we slow down, just a little, each day and observe it.  It helps us see who we are and appreciate a breath or even a crack in the sidewalk.  Make a ripple, find the time, see what happens.

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