Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Share V.S. covet

When children are young, one of the most valuable lessons given, in my opinion, is learning to share.  It seems, though, as we move through our time of "growing up," things change if we don't pay attention.  I know, in my own life, this happens from time to time, and I am usually not happy when I don't share.  What is better, to each take a bite of a sweet treat, or end up with a "side of thighs?"  Seriously, though, I would rather see everyone have something rather than most have nothing.  It makes for a better society.  Some cultures actually take their extended families into their homes, and run family businesses so all will profit.  I know we are based on independence around here, but I look around and am not sure where that has gotten us as a people.  Make a ripple, share the love, see what happens.

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