Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, June 29, 2014

I'm amused, you're amused.

It seems to be that we have so many choices.  We can be busy, crazy, cranky, or bored.  These things are all easy for us, but what about amused.  One of my friends once asked me how I seem to be able to amuse myself so easily. " I guess the alternatives don't seem so great, I replied."  I still feel that way, although sometimes, it is harder to do than it used to be.  Still, if you think of it, who better to amuse you and if you are amused, usually the people around you, at the least have to wonder about you.  At the most, they might take a page from your book and amuse themselves.  I know I have been on this happiness thing for a while.  Some of the next posts will probably be more serious.  But I think "happiness is the best first aid kit we can carry," and it does multiply.  Make a ripple, lighten up, see what happens.

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