Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Moral Monday's

In some states in the South in the U.S., some horrible things are happening.  A certain party is trying to extinguish any progress we have made for civil and personal rights, especially for women and the poor.  The way one state is fighting back, is by staging peaceful protests.  PEACEFUL PROTESTS!  Now they are arresting these people for raising their voices.  REALLY?!  It is a sad state when certain people are attempting and sometimes winning their way in hurting society.  What year is this anyway?  So I say this:  Maybe EVERYDAY should be "Moral Monday!"  This kind of behavior has to stop and if each one of us did something for issues that are important to us, from calling a congressman, to signing petitions, to protesting peacefully, while acting in a moral way themselves, we WOULD MAKE A RIPPLE! Be the change you want to see,  see what happens.

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