Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, April 28, 2014

What is it?

I was trying to explain about blogs to my new friend.  He has never used a computer.  I told him that before I started my blog in October 2013, I had never even read one.   Then I proceeded to try and explain what I write about.  I told him I wanted to make a difference in the world, so I wrote about things that I thought mattered like taking care of ourselves and being kind. I told him I wrote about things that were right and wrong with the world and thought if people payed more attention, took just a little more time each day, maybe we could all make those changes.  It certainly happens faster if lots of people do it.  He asked me if people have to agree with me.  I said "no."  The point of the blog was just to use life experiences, some painful, some silly, to shed light on some things we could all look at.  I also told him that I try hard to talk about all the people who are choosing to do good in the world., but no, they do not have to agree with me.  I want people to laugh, be inspired, be aware of the awesome task of being a great human being and to just pass that on. That's why I named it "Lets make a ripple." 

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