Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Monkey see... monkey do

I am a keen observer of human behavior and I have noticed something lately.  No matter where I am, if a kindness or respectful behavior is modeled, in most cases, it is repeated.  We all know how it feels to be cut off in our car, to go to work and see that the coffee is gone, and there are dirty cups and spills.  We also know how it feels when someone allows us to cross the street with a smile and the coffee pot is full, either by someone else or ourselves.  The point is this, we are all busy, but it seems as if our manners have taken a back seat to all the busyness.  We have a choice, once again, to feel good and respect, or go on our merry way and be a jerk.  I wonder which one creates a better world?!  Make a ripple, be the example, see what happens.

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