Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, April 11, 2014

In the blink of an eye...

That is how long it took for a dear friend to total her car yesterday.  Fortunately, no-one was hurt badly and she did not have her precious dog in the car.  The fall out is that the car is gone.  She will survive, but times will be a little tough for her in the near future.  I am so grateful she is o k.  I can't tell you I haven't made the same mistake, several years ago. But I learned, then that I can't be distracted in a car.  It is probably not good to be distracted much at all.  Being here in the moment is the only way to live, but sometimes it takes a big loud crash for us to realize it.  Make a ripple, be here now, see what happens.

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