Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Between the raindrops

I was spending time with my dear sister and friend yesterday and it had started to rain.  Fortunately, I knew that we would walk no matter what and took my new purple umbrella with me when I drove over. We went into the beautiful woods, talking about everything as we always do.  The grass widows were so unbelievable, some bowing to the rain.  Scattered among them were the waxy yellow buttercups and the beautiful yellow bells.  It was so serene.  This is my friend who is wise beyond her years, and so full of grace, it is an honor just to be with her.  She is the one who is now cancer-free.  She always reminds me of the deepest and most simple things like the fact that we can really only be in the moment and that to look to far ahead is folly.  All we really have is now. See the beauty and enjoy the love we give and get.  Make a ripple, live now, see what happens.

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