Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, April 19, 2014

"The path is the goal."

A dear friend of mine and I call ourselves the impulse control twins.  We want it and we want it now.  I sometimes find myself feeling jealous of kids who get to cry and fuss whenever they want.  As adults, of course, we are supposed to be dignified and wise and take things as they come.  But, sometimes... Don't even tell me you  don't feel this way because I won't believe you.  I am learning, though slowly, that the way I will get at least some of what I want by taking the steps I need to get there and having a strong expectation that it will happen.  Our brains work against us on this endeavor, because they are constantly looking out for us and judging everything by what has happened previously.  So now it is our choice to swim up stream and make new memories for our brain to work off of.  Make a ripple, one step at a time, see what happens.

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